
I still have severe drooping of the side of my face confusion tired etc. My face is still dropped I'm tired all the time difficulty with concentration when I'm trying to have a conversation I still have difficulty trying to say what my thought is I get confused and forget allot I can forget something from ten minutes ago I'm very frustrated is this normal

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Probably ought to ask your doctor how long you can expect symptoms to last. I know nerves take time to heal -- like months sometimes. Don't be discouraged. Keep in good communication with your doc so you can understand what you can expect.
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Maggie is right, it can take time for nerves to heal. I had Bell's Palsy once, where one side of my face had drooped a bit, and it took several months to correct itself. Just be patient.
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Oh, FreqFlyer! That's the perfect example! I hadn't given that a thought. Perfect!
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Thank you for your answers and help as it has it I am being treated for bells on the right side of my face I also had out on the left side that caused permanent nerve and muscle damage so I already had a slight drop in the brow and eyelid but nothing compared to now that is blocking my line of vision
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P.S. I should add it was 2005 that I had it on the left side but maybe because there was already pendent damage it could be causing it to take longer but of anyone is familiar with the confusion and the rest of out I would appreciate any insight all I get from my doctor is I can't sat a week our exact time frame but it should return to normal
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seaside, I hope you are following up with a good Neurologist from now on.
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Y des I have been seeing a neurologist since the beginning of August being treated for the bells on the right side but the mini stroke affected the left side which I had bells on in 2005 his answer to the confusion and forgetting and problem saying what I'm thinking is it will come back in time that's easy fit him I by Utes he's not the one that feels like they are invade d
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Tell him what you just typed and he might reconsider.
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It's the same neurologist treating both I feel like I need a transistor to have a verbal and text conversation normally I an an excellent speller and very articulate but lately both are so messed up ours like I'm dyslexic
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seasidegrl, same issue here with the dyslexic type issues.... never had that problem before, but I chalk it up to being under stress because of my elderly parents :(
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