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What a relief!

Goodness, wouldn't it be nice if people would think just to pick up the phone if they need information from you? I'm so glad you've managed to get it straight.
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Countrymouse & Gladimhere........Thank you both for your quick responses. I believe things are going to be taken care of now. Miscommunication on facilities part by not properly notifying us of what was going on and they didn't have all the paperwork from both me and my sister.
Helpful Answer (2)

Glad beat me to it. Though I would just add that there could conceivably be other good cause besides culpable neglect on the joint DPOAs' part.

Would you like to say a little more about what's happening? For example: who's making the application, and why?
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Yes, but whether the court will grant the guardianship is a different matter. That person would have to be able to show good cause and neglect by you and sis.
Helpful Answer (3)

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