
Is there some type of court order to allow me to see my mom when I want to? My sister is giving me a hard time. She is POA and my mom is living with her. Actually, it would be better for her to live with me so we have no issues.

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Sounds like your sister has let being POA go to her head. If your mother has her right mind, she can still decide where to live and who should be POA if she wants to change that, but it is up to her.
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Helpmeplz, your profile shows that your Mom has Alzheimer's/Dementia. Can you give us more information?

Why do you believe that it would be better for your Mom to live with you? And why do you think that your sister is making it difficult for you to see your Mom? Has there been care issues in the past?

Apparently your Mom gave your sister Power of Attorney some time ago when her mind was clear.... curious why you think your Mom didn't give you and your sister equal Power of Attorney, or you secondary POA?

You and your sister need to work as a team, instead of using Mom as a tug-of-war item. Have you volunteered to help out your sister while Mom is there?
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