
My sister was caretaker of my parents and did not do well next to nothing. He left everything to mom and her will left everything to dad she has all of their personal possessions. We have elderly attorney and just want to make sure mom can live without worry. My parents were moved by state of Florida hospitazed
Then sent to rehab center in Fla I went and got her and brought her to Ohio she won't even give mom her wedding ring do you think I should have any worries

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Rosalind, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family for the passing of your Dad.

Why on earth would your sister contest the Will? In just about all the cases, the husband leaves everything to his wife, and vise versa.

Since that Will probably was written as per Florida State law, your Mom might need to have her Will updated to Ohio State law. And, of course, she would name her children as to be the heirs of her estate. I bet the current Will says that if she should pass, and if her husband had predeceased her, then the estate goes to the children.

Did the sister take Mom's wedding ring for safe keeping while she was in the hospital? That is common. But once the parent returns home, so does the jewelry she was wearing at the time. Maybe in time your sister will return the ring.
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Thanks no not for safe keeping just to be spitefull
And of course she is updating everything to ohio she has elder law and veterans specialist i dont know why she cant just leave my mom in peace she is 86 has rt athritis cant walk or move w/o lift she has all there personal belongings what more can she want
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Maybe my question Was not clear my dad passed xmas day at rehab center i brought mom to ohio they lived in sisters house my ohio lawyer Said I should of just done li!e I wanted just go and get what I wanted but now advises me that a need Fla lawyer to get any of my mom's jewelry wedding ring albums brother says he doesn't care as sister has lean and big big tax issues but it kills me to think all their thins will just be trashed I need Fla lawyer anybody know one she lives in miami.
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The best way to find an Elder Law attorney is to go to and type in your Mom's zip code, and hopefully there will be a variety of Elder Law attorneys to choose from.

Sorry we can't recommend any one person as this website goes worldwide, so unless someone who post here is from Miami and can give you a name, this is the best we can do for you at the moment.
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My heart goes out to you! I do not know why but in the end stages when those of us who are trying to take care of our loved ones, there is always someone in the family showing up to start something. Stay strong, get the lawyer help, get it on paper, and in the mean time, take care of yourself. God Bless You
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Rosalind, I am re-reading your post and I am not sure where your Mom is currently living? You mentioned your sister was your parent's caregiver and I assume that was when your parents lived in Florida.... but I am also reading that you brought your Mom to Ohio and your Mom lived with your sister in Ohio. Is this a different sister or the same sister?

You mentioned "she lives in Miami"... who lives in Miami? Your sister who has the rings and his contesting the Will, or did your Mom return to Florida?
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