
My husband died Jan 22. On Jan 9 he received his monthly Social Security benefit via direct deposit.

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Well, yes, probably so. They will give you a small payment that offsets this if he was living with you. So sorry for your loss!! I remember having to pay back a month for my Dad too.

Info at and
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Thank you. I have read varying answers and the wording on the SSA site is a bit vague.
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Kate, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family on the passing of your husband.

Since your husband's Social Security was direct deposit, then Social Security will pull that money from his account automatically.

When my Dad had passed on the 19th of a month, SS did take back the full amount.
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That January 9th direct deposit was for the month of December. January's SSI payment would have come in February if he had lived. There is no prorating when it comes to Social Security payments.
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January 9 paid December 2016 SS $.

If a check Feb 9, that one would be clawed-back in full as he did not live full month of Jan.
BUT you as his surviving spouse if already getting SS would get an increase in your SS for your Feb ck. SSA should have all your & his info so done automatically. It should be all re-set by March ck to you.

You also as surviving spouse should get a one-time final expenses check for around $ 255.00.

If March comes and not re-set, you will have to go to a SSA office as the surviving spouse paperwork cannot be done on-line. I went with a suddenly widowed friend recently and it was surprisingly very efficient as SSA already has info and its more just reviewing data. Also if you are a younger spouse & use your own name or have a hyphen and not yet on Medicare, find out exactly how your name was entered in the SSA system as it has to be an exact match to this for Medicare at 65.
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