
Hip replacement 3 months ago , 2 weeks in care facility then back home where I took over 24/7. I discovered the impaction on day one and reported to the in home nursing 4 different people . I called help lines and her Dr and other help line dr’s . 2 days ago after 7days of no blow by I got dr approval to go to emergency . I explained it was too large to pass and that I had traced with my finger . She was given “aggressive enema” with no pain meds and screamed in ER for 4 hrs while fluid and ensure leaked by. Then sent home a total of 6hrs later with no attempt to remove impaction.

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This is a very difficult situation for sure and I am very sorry you have not had support.

I am not a nurse and can only share from my experiences with my elderly dad and mom. I did have a long career in the medical field. .

My dad was on a liquid restricted diet due to cardiac disease so constipation was a constant problem. The last weeks of his life the palliative care team suggested giving him "Calm Magnesium Powder" and a teaspoon of olive oil everyday. The olive oil gave his bowels moisture to keep things moving and it helped him a great deal. One of his caregivers had to very carefully manually move some hard pieces along. She had a lot of experience doing this. She used vaseline to give the rectal area addition moisture.

Mom drinks very little and has had one fecal impaction but now is backed up again. Her doctor prescribed one capful of Miralax in 8 ounces of liquid everyday. This has to be followed by as much liquid as you can get them to take. Warm liquids seem to help and we are using a heating pad to relax her abdomen. On the first day she had success.

I in no way am suggesting you try a manual extraction of the blockage. Maybe all these "tricks" will soften the impaction.

I wish you the best.
Does the primary doctor understand what happened in the ER?
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I wouldn't use Miralax. It did a number on my Mom. I would wonder why something was not done in the ER.
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Have you tried some heat on the belly? Coffee? It sure opens me up sometimes!
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