
My father entered a nursing home in Ohio last summer after we took care of him at home for almost 2 years in his home following a stroke. We have been privately paying the nursing home from his existing funds until a few months ago. He currently owes the nursing home $40k back pay but we have sold his home and will catch up with the payments once the money comes from escrow. I have guardianship of my father and was wondering if there is any way at this point to protect part of the remaining funds from being recovered when we file for medicaid. He will have $150k left once we catch up with the nursing home bill. He wanted his house to go to his children but did not have the proper paperwork in place before he had the stroke (only a living will and last will, hence the reason I have guardianship). The monthly bill for the nursing home is $6,600 per month.

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There may
Be some tricky trust set up to hang onto money but you will continue to private pay until the money is gone. If for some reason he is on medicaid they will recoup the money from his estate. Leave the money for his care . Don't mess around with shady financial deals.
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Thank you for your response. I certainly won't get involved with anything shady!
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