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Why is it necessary to have a lawyer prepare taxes? A tax preparer is much cheaper. As would a CPA. And faster.
Is Dad still living? If not, would this be his final tax submission?
A lawyer will cost you as least three times of what the others would charge.
We could use a little more information from you.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kimberly88 Jun 2020
Dad is still living, but in nursing home with dementia/alzheimers since 2017. I have guardianship that his lawyer set up. The lawyer is not the guardian. This lawyer is Dad's lawyer since my father set up his own business in 1967. The lawyer has a copy of 1099 for sale of some thrift things from a building that Dad owned. The business for the 1099, did not send a copy to me, despite the fact that I am the person, who contracted this business in the beginning. I have asked the business for a copy of the 1099, and no response, but I do know the $ amount, if I include on tax form, assuming it will flag without the 1099 copy attached.
I don't want this lawyer to have access to IRS for my Dad, since this lawyer did not followup with my dad missing the annual tax appt in 2017. Dad was ordered to nursing home in Sept 2017, and I did not know that the 2017 taxes were never filed, meaning that despite this lawyer filing taxes for my dad since 1967, the lawyer did not follow up with his client, my dad. I want to be the representative for Dad with IRS, not the lawyer. How do I do this? I am the representative payee for my Dad with Social Security. I am going to file a request for extension to file taxes for 2019, as clearly need more time, to tract down, no filing for 2017, and probably 2018, as lawyer won't tell me what has/has not been done.
Agree with OldSailor, go to a tax service or CPA if it's very complicated.
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I am a CPA, it is rare that a lawyer is needed for a tax return.  Can you let us know what the issue is?
Helpful Answer (1)
Kimberly88 Jun 2020
Thanks for message back. Dad's lawyer is person who set up the guardianship with court. He is "not" the guardian. He was given a 1099 for sale of some of thrift items from building that was sold to pay for nursing home care. The lawyer won't give me a photocopy of the 1099, and the business that gave it to him, did not ever send a copy to myself, and I was the person who contracted this company in the first place. Business is non-responsive when I ask for a copy of this 1099, but I do know the dollar amount. I don't want this lawyer doing Dad's taxes, as I found out that in 2017, my father did not show up for tax appointment with this lawyer. This lawyer had been doing my father's taxes since 1967, when my father started a business. I felt that a lawyer who had been doing a client's taxes that long, should have followed up and demanded to know why a no show for appt. My father was court ordered nursing facility in Sept of 2017 for dementia problems. It feels "unethical" for him to request to do taxes. I am trying to avoid him having access with the IRS. I just need to know how to change address with IRS, and how to be the representative for IRS, since Dad can't answer questions/details, or sign documents. To make matters more complex, Dad is in nursing home in Iowa, and I live in Az.
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What is Dads yearly income level. He may not need to file taxes if his main income is SS. Under a certain income level, SS is not taxable. With my Mom and MIL, they both received SS and a small pension. Neither made much over 20k a year. Neither needed to file income taxes. Both had about the same in savings, 48k.
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Include the amount with a letter explaining that you have tried unsuccessfully to get the 1099, include all the information that you have, name, address, phone number of company and a description of what was sold. This will actually flag the company that sent the 1099.

The IRS doesn't like reporter's that play games, it costs them money.
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Not strongly worded. Just clarifying why they don't have the 1099, but they are claiming the income.

I would do it this way to get the attention of the company that did not send it to the authorized individual. Perhaps it will save someone else the hassle of this in the future.
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This is such a small problem and not worth this much worry. I agree with really real. Just add a note to the tax return with the info. and get the return done. I'm a retired IRS employee.
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