
Her social security and medicare services have not started yet. She is not disabled but is having trouble making ends meet due to bills etc. She is scheduled for knee surgery on April 11th, and will be out of sick days. Needs help paying bills.

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Assuming your Mom enrolled in Medicare it should begin the month she turned 65, when was that? Is she taking Social security early (before age 66?) What has she been living on? She may qualify for temporary assistance from a local food pantry. Is there any savings she can draw upon?
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ldennis, I don't know of any government subsidies that will help someone pay their bills. I would check with the County agency on aging to see if they offer services for learning how to budget on ones income in order to help make ends meet.

Oh, and have your Mom check with where she works, if they have FMLA [Family Medical Leave Act]. That will give your Mom time off and not be afraid of losing her job. Some companies also have a separate company insurance that they can use if an employee has to take medical leave, and that insurance [similar to Aflac and Medlife] will pay part of ones salary during the time off.
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