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I have a mother who doesn't want me around. I would never have her live with me, she'd be beyond miserable, and so would I.

Life is too short to live in a situation that is not workable. Time to sit down with mom and talk about her moving somewhere she WILL be happy.
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So, where would mom like to be?

Can she arrange for paid caregivers or to go to an Assisted Living facility?
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Why force care on someone who doesn't want to be living with you??? Either place her in Assisted Living, if she can afford to self pay, or, apply for Medicaid and get her placed in Skilled Nursing. Sounds like she'd be a good candidate for SNF since she has so many health issues (stated in your profile).

Best of luck!
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Really need more info. From your profile Mom has Dementia and Parkinson's. Where does she want to go. Does she have money to live elsewhere like an AL.
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From you profile: "I am caring for my mother Mary, living in my home with age-related decline, alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, depression, and parkinson's disease."

So why are you taking care of her?

My mother would tell me (and anyone else) that she would never want to live with me. Did she think she was hurting me? Did she think that was a possibility?

When she fell ill and did the hospital/rehab/LTC journey, it was never a possibility that she would live with me. (And I was alert to the possibility of people suggesting it, as I have a one-story house, so I didn't have the automatic out that she couldn't do stairs.) One of my brothers told me one time that he thought that even though she'd said she wouldn't live with me, that she actually expected it. I didn't agree -- and of course this was the brother who came to see her as little as possible.

Do you have siblings, Niche2262? Maybe she would like to live with one of them?
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Is this new behavior for your mom?
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