
77 yr old sister has many mental health problems (depression, anxiety) but medication seemed to manage it. Hip replacements have increased issues including sudden and rapid dementia. 3 weeks after moving to Asst Living facility they want 12 hr/day additional care. She is disruptive. Goes to main desk to ask for assistance. She screams instead of pushing button. They sent her to ER bc of erratic behavior justified by high heart rate and confusion. Nothing medical found. We are dealing with this from 6 hours away. Communication has been poor from AL. They obviously can't deal with her but we feel that is what we are paying for. Maybe meds but we can't get to talk to anyone although we try. We were warned by a third person after we moved her that this may be an issue since they did the same with his friend. "He needs more care. He needs memory care." He was moved to another place.
What are our options?

Find Care & Housing
You clearly do not understand ALF care levels. You can imagine that being housed with people this disruptive, without adequate staffing levels, and with OTHER people who are clients subjected to this is a "no go". This isn't what AL is about. This is MC behavior. Memory care is much better staffed.
I cannot imagine doing this without 24/7 attendant in all honesty, because while she may have one on one help for 12 hours, what about the other 12. This sort of thing only get worse in night hours.

I agree that this is almost impossible from hours away. But the fact is that you have been told the truth. They cannot handle this level of care, and your poor Sis may actually have to be housed eventually in a psychiatric facility where she can be medicated to some minimally functional level.

I am terribly sorry. My own brother, with probable early Lewy's dementia was in ALF. He was well, capable, kind, gentle, and he had a community he lived with who were much the same. When someone was out of control they could no longer stay in the ALF cottages and had to move on to MC. They would have greatly disrupted those living in peace, doing activities, and under control. This wouldn't have been allowed, quite honestly for even a day.

These are private facilities. You quite honestly have no options, and they are correct; this isn't a good placement for your Sis.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

My mother is in Memory Care. Your sister’s symptoms sound like make her a candidate for service there.

This is WAY above what Assisted Living is designed for.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cxmoody

You don’t necessarily have to accept mc there, but truthfully this al is beyond what they can provide.
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Reply to PeggySue2020

It sounds like your sister if in need of a lot of care. AL can not take care of this level of behavior.
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Reply to againx100

Thank you for your responses. Is MC the answer? I'm afraid they will have the same problems there.
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Reply to Lucyinthesky53
AlvaDeer Sep 9, 2024
Sadly, they may. It certain is MORE the answer than an ALF which is no answer at all.
That is what I am dealing with except my Mom is 95, and he still lives her house since 1973! She wanted to go to assisted living, but I am fearful she would get evicted because of her anger and narcissistic outbursts when she does not get her way, not to mention she is racist. So, I have been trying to keep her in her own home with caregiver aids annd a nurse that comes once a week. I set her up for physical therapy for once a week to help her build strength. Keeping her in her home is a challenge because she hovers over her aids micromanaging everything they do in her home. She has no luck with people of color, and finding the right aide is a challenge for the Home Health Company. Luckily, we finally have a lady with experience with the elderly like my Mom. It’s stressful and draining! Blessings to you as I know this is difficult.
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Reply to TxPonyGirl

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