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Patti, I see your loved one has memory issues. Does her ALF have a memory care section? I've had 3 elders in an ALF. One stayed in her Memory Care ALF for 18 months, til she passed. Aonther was in traditional ALF and stayed in the general population until she passed, even though she clearly had memory issues for the last several months. And, we still have one senior in general ALF despite having been on Aricept for close to 8 years now. As long as wandering isn't an issue, this general ALF lets the residents stay in the general population. My personal feeling, let them stay in ALF as long as they can be adequately cared for and are safe. Other medical issues may affect this possibility.
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Thanks Geewiz:-) That was kind of how II feel. She has really bad memories issues with Psychosis but other than being weak she really I think should stay in with the general population.
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My mom has stroke related dementia and for 2 years was in an ALF. She was like a lost sheep in the facility. It was too big for her and her confusion only increased. When I realized I had to have round the clock assistance plus pay for the ALF, I explored the memory care building on the property. Best decision. It's smaller and they constantly have activities for her. She is there for 2 weeks now and adjusting well. Her aids are no longer necessary. She was too stressed trying to communicate with residents that were much higher functioning than she was.
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