
Mom MOM is going to kill our septic system!!! As funny as this posting sounds, I'm dead serious. I need something to strain the mounds of toilet paper she insists on using. She dosen't want me in the bathroom with her at all so I can't monitor her usage and We've already resorted to giving her 1-ply tissuein an effort to keep it from clogging up.

Any ideas???? Or should I start seeing a Septic man on the side?


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Hi shar, I too am on a septic system. May I make a suggestion, hopefully not too weird or gross. Maybe instead of using so much toilet paper, she could incorporate flushable wipes, or if not flushable, maybe you could have her dispose of wipes or paper in a special waste receptacle if she thinks she needs to use over the requirement for one flush. Just a suggestion, good luck, this is a good topic for me since I am nauseated LOL.
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Thanks. That's something I hadn't thought of. My Significant other will aprove eagerly to this rather than the Septic Man idea.
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Shar - how about leaving a limited amount of toilet paper available to her ? although you may be washing poopy panties as a result...
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I have to laugh....I know you don't think it's funny but my mom would only use 1 square, therefore not wiping very well and you can guess the rest. I was always trying to get her to use more. The biodegradable wipes are a good idea tho. She also would not put her toilet tissue in the toilet. My grandkids were always upset because there was always poopy paper every where. Good luck..........keep smilin''s the only way to keep from losing your mind.......Phyllis
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EEEEEEK!!!! Sorry, but I think I like the wipes idea, and putting it in a receptacle better than the alternatives. All this makes me laugh, even though it's not funny when you have to deal with it at the time. Good luck, nauseated
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She clogged it up again!!!! I found she's flushing pad down the poor thing. The toilet is screaming. I wasn't laughing then but am now. For a moment I thought what would a toilet be thinkinging could think that is. That's not normal is it???
I like so many of you have the same issue regarding memory loss. I tell her and tell her and tell her but it's appararently it's just to hear my own voice. We placed a large paper receptical and asked her to PLEASE put all paper products in it and am going to try the wipes. I'm just afraid she going to think she can use that like toilet paper. Boy, if I had any money left to invest, it would certainly be in PAPER PRODUCTS.

Anyway.............we're gonna give it the old geriatric try. If there's a saint for toilets would ya'll please send a prayer and light a candle.

Thanks for all your ideas. I'll try anything at this point short of reporting her to the Sierra Club. lol

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sorry about all the screwed up language and spelling. I'm loco right now
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Hey Shar, no problem, we understand. After being around them with congnitive decline, we start to speak and act like them after awhile LOL. I guess it's our way of adapting for self survival. You're funny, I like your sense of humor. We must keep our sense of humor to survive. I have my own hygeine issues with dad to deal with this morning. He showers, but not often enough, nor does he change his protective undergarments often enough which results in bed changing, bathroom smelly, and my retching. Sorry. I have to address this issue without him blowint up at me. He doesn't like discussing his deficiencies I'm finding out, can't say as I blame him. Wish me luck. I wish you luck too, check back later. Nauseated
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My mom has a colostmy bag she has to empty a few times a day. Luckily she can still empty it herself. We had a problem with too much toilet paper too. A nurse suggested biodegradeable disposable wipes. She thought they would be with baby wipes, but I found them near the toilet paper and napkins area of my supermarket.
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Today I'm going into the big city (Prescott, az) to do my monthly shopping. First thing on the list is WIPES. Mom's bathroom wastebasket has definately been fuller the last 2 days but I'm not sure how long it'll be before she forgets. remember to use it.

Jusr the wipes last longer than a roll of tissue? Just wanted to get some idea as to whether I should buy a case or should I buy a dozen units. And how difficult was it for your Mom to make the transition from paper to wipes? And most impotantly does she like them better?

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I started using Scott Brand "Extra Soft" toilet paper. I have a septic system and the repair man told me that Charmin and some of the thicker toilet papers do not break down as fast as the Scott tissue. Also try using some Rid-X septic cleaner once a month (it breaks down clogs, too).

Good luck with your tissue issue!

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TISSUE ISSUE That's cute. I really like that!!!

We've use Rid-X regularly. It's sad but I actually have it pre-logged on my calendar when to do it. If things get totally out of hand. I think I'll have George build an outhouse and we'll resort to the Sears catalog. HA!HA
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Shar, i am so in the same situation. septic and toilet paper issue drives me crazy!!!she goes through 1 double roll a day sometimes. I tell someone like the hospics people and they look at me like, boy are you cheep and insensitive. yeh right. i even resorted to marking the day and date on the inside of the roll to show her that she is using way too much paper, becasue she thinks i am nuts..honest to god, i can't take much more of her denying everything..she never does it, and its not her's , she will stand there and go "i swear i didn't do it." she is driving me crazy. i am an only child,58 with a bad back, and a lousy histsory with her. i married at 18 to mostly get the heck out of the house. back then that is about all you could do. anyway, i 'm at my wits end. i have grown to hate getting up in the morning everyday to the same thing over and over. we had to start using seroquel pills to get her mind back on a calm level. she would fly off the handle and swear, and cuss us out and throw things when she got mad. this is not too far off from what she was like before the stroke and dementia. my deceased father would always say, that woman is nuts, and she is..i have to say that it was comforting to hear someone else with a septic and toilet paper issue exists. you tend to think this can
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Dealing with poop is awful!
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POOP POOP POOP PEE DOOO POOP!!! Let's all sing!!! HA!!HA!!!

It's true I'm now officially CRAZY

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Have you tried creating homemade wipes? Thin, paper napkins, single ply, baby oil, scent of choice, etc. You decide on ingredients. Safe and inexpensive. Save in plastic container, or recycled pop up. Essential oils, or unscented. A lovely alternative to commercial. Aromatherapy as you're singing the day away! la la la, lol. I'm with ya Shar! :)
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My husband says to disconnect the flush valve and manually operate it when she tells you it doesn't work or tie a string around the flush valve and hang it off the back side of the toilet where she can't see it and that way you can dip out the paper before you flush it. She won't be able to flush and you'll have to deal with it but thats cheaper than a plumber. My mom eventually resorted to wash rags so we had to do that. She'll soon forget about flushing anyway so then its' on to something else. Then you can hook the toilet back up and have full action toilet again. You could always use a "Slop Jar" YUCK!!!! I'm having a hard day today. It's been 2 weeks today since I lost my mom and you guys are making me laugh!! So thanks!! I think we are all crazy!! We sure feel like it. If anyone who isn't going thru this read some of the things we write, they would for sure think we!! Keep smilin' so ya don't cry all the time............Phyllis
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No one has commented on it, but I still think leaving a limited amount of toilet paper available to your mom Shar is not only cost effective but a solution that can be implemented now without concocting special paper products or spending money on designer paper products...scents and oils can't be good for the aging tush I wouldn't think either...just my two cents...again.
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Sorry to hear about your Mom. It brings me back to earth and realize how much I love mine. Everything seems upsetting to me until I calm down and then just laugh hysterically at the perdicaments she gets herself into.

Good Ideas though. I'm just gonna roll with flow , so to speak.

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Dear Phyllis, so sorry to hear about your Mom and your loss. That you can laugh says a lot about you. It's good medicine.

I knew I'd get ripped on the homemade wipes suggestion. I have very sensitive skin, and use organic, no-chemical added products myself for cleansing. They're wonderful, and hypoallergenic. I understand about the allergy sensitivity issue and certain essential oils and fragrences... I'm not talking "designer" products, but cost-effective, non-commercial ones, which are by far superior and safer than the cheapest brands, etc. Many are natural, and made by God, not man. Don't knock it till you've tried it. We all need to be cleansed from time to time, not just wiped with paper! Shar, you are hilarious. Thanks for lightening my day!
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Hi all! I have one for you. Speaking of "made by God" products. I live in the rocky mountains. I have plenty of pine cones if you need, just ask. I'll ship em to ya, free of charge. Hee Hee Hee! LOL. I must be bold here and say, after reading some of these posts here, I am a bit nauseated myself. LOL Have a good day Y'all!
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I've thought of old Corn Cobs. OUCH!!! We have 120 trees on our property most of which are pines. So we got plenty of those. Thanks for the offer though.

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It's a good thing we can keep our sense of humor, because I am about to explode because of poop duty. And I do not have it as bad as most of you. I have become obsessive compulsive though, and go over the bathroom many times a day, to make sure it is sanity, I mean sanitary, can you tell I'm losing it? LOL Nauseated
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"We're gonna give it the old geriatric try." Classic! I am so going to use this line.

I must admit, Grandma is a one square kind of gal, AND she insists her pads can be recycled once they have time to dry out! Eeeww!!! She regularly leaves a trail on the floor as she make her way to the toilet, and her every BM seems to have some sort of jet propulsion when it makes its way to the exit point. I get so tired of cleaning the toilet, walls and floor. Really, I just cannot comprehend how with all the issues listed above she still manages to clog the toilet.

I hope and pray God has a special place for all us good souls who tend to the toilets used by our elderly loved ones!
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I'm looking into a COMPOST Toilet. That way anything that goes in won't go to WASTE!!! HA HA LOL Do ya think Medi-Care will cover it???
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I'm sure Medicare would cover it just the same as they cover the added plumbing expenses! Seriously, I still think it would be a worthy investment. I saw one, a self contained unit, no plumbing necessary at Home Depot for $1,100. I just need to sell a spare kidney on ebay before I can buy it :o)
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OK... I REALLY got a chuckle from all the responses on this subject, thanks everyone!

My suggestion is probably too 'simply' but since SIMPLIFY is my only mantra... perhaps it will work!

What about a CAMPING TOILET? I know this may seem far fetched.... but put a baby safety 'clip' on the REGULAR toilet and set the camping toilet up in the bathroom for her to use. Instead of having to 'fish' wet (yuk) toilet paper from your existing toilet, you can just remove the bottom unit, and flush a bit at a time.

You can use GOOGLE to search for the model I found online for about $65.00! I am sure there are many other models too.

Thetford Porta Potti/Potty 135 Portable Toilet RV Camper

I would also get some of the bio-degradeable toilet paper for her to use too. And I would ALSO limit the amount of paper available at any time. Just put it out of reach, or add a safety clip for the vanity door so she is limited to what she can access.

I hope this helps.

Angela and Mia Madre (my Mother)
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There is an incinerating toilet electrical or propane that works. I used one as a kid in camp many years ago.

For those who are leaving a trail' (I'm sure you have thought of this) Did you install sheet linoleum flooring for easy cleanup?
anyway, hope this helps.
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I got tired of snakeing out the toilet EVERY day so we got a high flush tiolet when my husband fell into the back of it and cracked it and then cut his arm checking how bad it was broken so he had to use the commode for a while. Also put the tissue in a separate container or you could tell her you are going to get an outhouse for the yard I had one at home until we got running water in the house-washing dishes was fun first going out to the hand pump then heating the water to do the dishes also bathing was fun getting the big tub inside the kitchen and again heating the water etc then empting the tub and taking it back outside. We sure get to talk about varied subjects on this site don't we.
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Well, now I know where to come for my smile for the day!!
We had this problem with my aunt who has a form of alzheimers when I was caring for my uncle (her husband) when he had lung cancer.

We placed a special wastebasket by the toilet with a big sign that said,
"The toilet is broken, please put ALL toilet paper in the waste basket. It was easier to keep emptying the waste basket 2-3 times a day than cleaning up the mess of a stopped up toilet. Plus, everytime we saw her going to the bathroom, we would remind her to put her paper in the basket. We also provided a small amount of the single roll just for her..

Today she lives in a nice ALF and they tell me she still puts her paper in the basket!

Good luck.
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