
We just received a transfer notice from an Ohio Nursing Home, the reason given was transfer necessary to meet the resident's welfare and the resident's welfare cannot be met in the facility. No more details in the area where specific allegations are to be written. We request her records every thirty days and all the nursing notes indicate how nice she is, she can feed herself and hold conversations. We have notice her blood sugar is not controlled and she is on Warfarin, but the results show she is not in the right range in over 60% of the tests. We have asked about this several times but no feedback, we think they are trying to move her because we asked too many questions. Can they do this? What can we do to prevent her eviction in less than 30 days

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Find Care & Housing
I'd go to the website and type in the Zip code of the nursing home. This will get you to the ombudsman (your advocate) for long-term care facility problems at that nursing home. The ombudsmen are well trained in how to handle these things and they are there for you. The information should also be available on your state website but this site is very convenient.

Good luck.
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