
My mother has little red sores on her ankles and legs. She is active so they are not pressure sores. I have used moisturizer, and topical antibiotics. This helps for awhile and then they flare up again. Does anyone else seem to have this problem? If did you treat it? Thanks in advance.

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That's the first thing I thought of too, was flea bites.
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You should definitely have a dermatologist take a look at the bumps. A good rule is that any symptom that isn't life threatening, but a nusiance should be evaluated if it lasts more than 2 weeks.
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Could they be bedbug bites?
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Could they be bites? If they are on her ankles and legs they might be flea bites. Do have her checked by a Doctor and if they are flea bites you will need to find the source of the problem and have an Exterminator come in.
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It's important that she see a doctor. These sores may be an indication of an underlying problem. It's one thing to have a small sore and treat it topically - if it goes away, there's generally no problem. These keep coming back, so there's a reason that isn't apparent. Please have a doctor exam her.
Take care,
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