
She often sleeps until 4 pm. She is taking morphine and hydrocodone for pain but doesn't complain of pain. She doesn't seem depressed, she just says she wants to sleep. She's been on and off antidepressants but they don't seem to have any effect either way.

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Good heavens, your Mother is 92 years old, she's tired... just about anyone of us who has a parent in that age group will find them sleeping a lot, that is very common.

Meds will also increase one's sleep... I had a heck of a time when I first got on blood pressure pills, they zoned me out until the dosage was adjusted. Pain will also cause someone to sleep... since I recently broke a bone, I cannot stay awake to watch a TV show all the way through, even in the middle of the day, the pain is exhausting.

My sig other takes hydrocodone for back pain, and he's always sleeping on weekends during the day and within a half hour from coming home from work.
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My mom was on hydrocodone for years before her hip replacement. She was early 80s and slept all the time. After successful surgery and rehab I got her pain meds cut way down and since she is a different person. I have to think the meds are keeping your mom down. That seems like some heavy stuff for a 92 year old.
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Morphine will make people sleepy. I remember the pictures with the narcotic addicts sitting around "nodding out" after using morphine. People given morphine when they are with hospice on their final days sleep a lot. Does your mother need this much pain relief. I wondered what the circumstances were.
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Morphine is a lot for someone your Mom's age to handle. Please ask her Doc.. OKAY??. Thats usually a Hospice med like JessieBelle mentioned.
Also..make sure she is hydrated...matters a lot. Take good care !
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CAn she walk? Can she ride in a wheel chair? Soemtimes the brain gets day and night mixed up...Sundowners, etc. Try keeping he up a bit longer and wake her up a bit earlie, Get her in some kind of activitiy, so she can't sleep. If she contineus, we perhaps, she is tired, and maybe her body is letting her knw somethin....
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Thanks to all for your concern and answers. My mom walks with a walker. She has chronic degenerative disc disease (bone-on-bone) in her spine, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis and chronic hip pain. We've done a few rounds of cortisone injections which sometimes help but the most recent round has not. She's actually been weaned down from double the amount of controlled substance pain meds that my sister had her on when she was overseeing her healthcare. I agree with those of you who are saying, hey she's old, let her sleep, but staying in bed until 4 pm will allow her muscles to atrophy....and without the pain medication she'd be in awful pain. She sees a pain medication specialist who is very good and conscientious about medicating; a GP who is also excellent and a VA doctor. All agree on the current treatment. I guess we're in a Catch 22.
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