
She's waiting on She was my character at first, but they said something that is in the program end.

Find Care & Housing
I am assuming English is a second language to you. Are you actually the Caregiver? What program was your Client on?

You have to contact the program who is paying for the Caregiver to see about payment.

Are you trying to find a program who will pay your caregiver and found out the program you tried to apply to has ended? Have you tried Medicaid for "in home" care. Some states are using agencies where the caregiver is trained and hired by the agency. The caregiver gets benefits and then can work for a friend or Loved one.
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Reply to JoAnn29

You have 30 minutes to edit your post and make it so that we can understand it.
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Reply to lealonnie1

She's (your prior caregiver) is still waiting to get paid... "but they" -- who is they?

"the program end" -- what program? Are you elderly (like on Medicaid) or younger and on SSDI?

What state/county are you in?

Is the caregiver contacting you to be paid rather than "the program" people, who are probably her employers or who she contracted through?
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Reply to Geaton777

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