
My father in law recently had open heart surgery and was admitted to a rehab facility. The next day he was in s state of confusion and was readmitted to the hospital and found to have a UTI. I know that the symptoms of a UTI can mimic those of dementia and the confusion usually starts going away after antibiotics are administered. When speaking to his doctor I ask him if it was possible that he may have had a stroke. He said not likely because he was not having any other symptoms such as slurring, paralysis and his speech is clear with the exception of not being able to find the words when finishing his thought. Hesitantly he ran a scan and found out that he had suffered a stroke after all. What's odd is that some of his words come out as numbers and he reads letters as numbers also. For example; L u c y for him would be 6.0...8 5. Or something similar. Or even $68.99 would be ..96..6. Has anyone else experienced this.

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Lucy, welcome!

Is your FIL going to go to a rehab facility?

I found that I got the best answers about the lingering effects of my mom's stroke in an acute rehab facility.
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Has he seen a neurologist?
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There are boards with pictures on them. Then he points to what he wants or needs.

How old is your FIL? Why did they decide to do open heart surgery on someone who has Dementia. This operation can take up to 6 hrs. The longer your under the worse it could make the Dementia. My Dad was in his sixties when he had a heart valve put in and bypasses done. Two years later the valve went bad and he had to have a replacement. He told the doctor then, he had lost memory the first time. The Dr told him you lose memory every time you go under. The longer your under the more memory u lose. Did they tell u the operation could cause a stroke?
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