
If so, how long?

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My hubby has to do a 24 hour collection of urine every six months.

Container is placed in ice chest with ice on bottom.

No need to refrigerate, (now, I am talking about a specific test, 24 hr. collection test).

You could / should probably call the lab.............I would do it, refrigerate it, and if you messed up, what they tell you.

M 8 8
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When I've had this done, I was told to refrigerate it as it is collected. I then took it to the lab when the collection was complete. An ice chest should be adequate, but if you want to wait more than a day to take it to the lab, call and ask if it's OK. How long you can wait may depend on what the test is for. If it's "casts," it may not matter.
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Yes if its for UTI they like the sample to be within 24-48 hours must be refridgerated. Did they give you materials such as container and wipes to get a clean catch. The container must be sterile.
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My Aunt's doc told me to get the sterile bottles from her, as well as the wipes. She also said for me not to refrigerate. She said not to collect tonight and wait to bring in tomorrow. Collect today and bring in today. No refrigeration. So maybe it depends on the doctor or lab???? The last time I took a sample in the nurse told me I would no longer be able to just bring in a sample, that I would have to bring my Aunt in. But when I questioned the doctor, she said Medicare/ Insurance was beginning to require this from them. But because my Aunt is 96 and bringing her in every time I think she has a UTI is crazy, that I should get her pulse rate, oxygen level and temp at the time I get the specimen and give them all that info. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for posing this question and to everyone who responded. I'm facing this for Mom and appreciate the detailed information.
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A clean catch method is absolutely critical, else the urine be contaminated.Why are you waiting to bring it to the lab?
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What about the strips from pharmacy that tell you if you have UTI?
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I have done my mothers a hundred times over the years. Get the supplies from the doc or lab. They will give you the following: a sterile container, two wipes in sealed packets a bag to put container in, instructions and they may not offer but make sure to ask for the hat, they will know what you mean. Its a plastic bowl shaped like a half moon. You put it in toilet to catch urine so you dont have to try and catch in cup. Remember ask for the HAT it will make it so much easier. We were always told if it was more than a couple hours refrigerate sample. You can check with the lab to verify what they want. The drug store strips will not test for all strains of bacteria so i wouldnt trust them myself. Hope this helps.
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Why can't she pee in a cup at the lab? What is the reason for the urinalysis? Most doctors want a "sterile" catch (meaning wiping with a sterile cloth, urinating a little, then urinating into the cup). Refrigeration might kill any bacteria in the urine and I am sure the doctor wants a fresh sample.
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I guess you havent done this much with an older person who can barely stand little lone pee in a cup. Even when my mom stayed in the hospital they used a hat in the toilet to catch the urine. Sure for those of us a bit younger its not to hard but believe me my mother is 90 cant stand to bear her own weight peeing in a cup would never happen. Refrigeration preserves the sample as to much heat will not give a proper reading.
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