
My father has dementia so does my mother they are getting worse. I set up in home care for them and auto pay on their bills that weren't being paid at all. My father hates doctors, he will not take mother to a doctor she was bed ridden when I got back to Virginia. He tries caring for her but can't do it. Doctors tell him he shouldn't drive so he stays away from him. His executive, cognitive reasoning skills as per doctors notes are severely affected and states shouldn't handle any finances, Mother is even worse. The attorney in Virginia sent something to my folks doctors that was worded in such away that would allow this attorney to obtain my folks signatures this day without having to fill for guardianship as my father is staunchly independent. He's at time rather lucid and that's doctors tell me he's a difficult case as he can appear to operate under a higher functioning skill than he actually is! So my question is stating she wants me to hand over the money in the Trust Fund under my name now to my father or to write a check to her for the funds. At this point she states my father will not sue me. My father thinks I"ve stolen his money a 5 second audit would prove this is not the case. The social workers questioned the Virginia attorney whether she had authority to have my folks revoke me as POA, she said yes. I called their doctors they neither one of the doctors had spoken to this attorney. Question, if this was all started in Virginia signing the POA AND MOA, then I finished the Irrevocable Trust in Texas so my father could get his Veterans pension. She can't sue the trust or can she, she can sue the trustee which would be me. Will the court proceedings be file in Virginia or Texas, case tried in Virginia or Texas. I have another Elder care attorney I 've hired in Virginia and a Texas Attorney who is frauds litigator, business laws, securities personal injury law with a well know firm here in Texas. So the amount of the estate is of Federal totals. I plan on suing this attorney should she proceed for a multi of offence. She fraudulently obtained my parents signatures, and has now abandon them to fend for themselves bills aren't being paid and I can't help them as Im' not the POA. I've reported her filing a formal complaint with the State Bar of Virginia Supreme Court and will proceed to have every sanction leveled against her I possibly can! But again where will all of this take place Virginia Texas or Both! Thank you as I'm livid anyone could harm sickly old and confused elderly people, as she is someone in authority to protect them.

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Find Care & Housing
Wow what a difficult situation - I'd definitely involve Adult Protective Services in Virginia immediately. For the financial and health situations it seems some strong intervention is necessary - I wish you lots of luck and strength!
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Thanks Berumda, I've been report on my folks since January with APS, now I think they are finally taking me seriously. I have another attorney in Virginia in the wings for Elder Care, and another in Dallas that will litigate for me, either state! This attorney has wronged my parents and me, condemnation prior to investigate is ludicrous. Thank you, as for luck I've got the truth! Thank you
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