
Woman has dementia/Parkinson-like mannerisms and Man is very frail with some heart issues. These are the parents of a good friend. Is there a way to be paid for this service?

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Well, did you offer to help out of friendship? Or was it more of a business opportunity for you? I suppose it depends upon how you came about being a caregiver to this couple. Did your friend ask for your help with no mention of financial compensation?

Regardless, caring for 2 elderly people with numerous health issues is very hard work and very demanding and in my opinion you should be paid. Typically, your pay should come from the elderly couple but if they have adult children taking care of their finances for them then your pay would come from the person whose job it is to take care of the parent's bills and financial matters.

How long have you been taking care of this couple without pay? If it hasn't been very long speak up and discuss this with your friend. However, if you've been taking care of them for quite a while it's going to be more difficult to pry a paycheck out of someone.
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