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Do you have ANY overnight help?

Do you get enough sleep if you need to be up taking care of him? (Some people are able to go right back to sleep, some not).

Are you caring for your husband, with or without help, during the day?

Does your husband have dementia? Is he aware during the day, when he needs to move his bowels?

Some people purchase or rent lift equipment to help them lift and move their LO.

Some use portable toilet chairs at bedside.

Sometimes, toileting problems can make the decision that overnight caregivers or even residential care are the best (or only) solutions as care needs continue to increase.
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thank you for your suggestions. I have no help, but going to inquire for daytime help. he is in theropy, hope he can pull him self up at night. I would have to have a high night chair for bowel movement, He can't pull himself up. What about a bed pan?no demantia. does alright in daytime, when we get there in time. sometimes can go back to sleep, some time can't for sometime, when I get up for him. if he had something hooked on to his bed he could grab hold of, like a small railing would be good, is there something like that? thanks!
For help pulling oneself up and out of bed, there's something called an "M-rail". It slips under the mattress and is held firmly in place by it, and has a rail that's about 18 inches wide. Works like a charm not just to help the person to get up but also for turning over in bed. They are sold at many drug stores, Walmart, Amazon, etc. Looks like this:
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AnnReid Jan 2022
Just what I was thinking of too, newbiewife! Lots of them on Amazon!
If he doesn't have dementia then he could probably use a bedside commode. Have him go to bed in a pull-up (just for extra security) and try the bedside commode.
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Put disposable pull-ups on him & also bed chucks under him on bed . Then deal with soiled pull-up in morning…
Hugs 🤗
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