
Mom moved in with me in April. She got a severe uti. She was diagnosed 3 years ago with dementia. I'm the only child. No family in SC. I had a break down. Took her to her friend's house. She called 911. They called APS. (Last 2 years I made 8 reports to APS) well now I'm garbage. Nursing home won't speak to me. Case was closed 3 weeks ago. Nursing home still won't speak ti me. I'm durable poa. They put my 19 year old daughter on for emergency contact. But for the last yesr, we tried to call her everyday. No answer or text back. Her snd my mom wrote best friends all her life. I feel like someone is up to something. But this nursing home wants to get paid? I'm the one with all the information. And big don't brouve my mom is getting her correct updated medication. She has missed 3 doctor appts. Please someone help.

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I'm a little confused, what would you like to do? What is the issue? Is the nursing home not letting you visit your mother? Is the NH billing you for payment due? What do you mean the NH won't speak to you? Mom's income should be going to the NH. Are you receiving her SS check and not paying the NH? Is that why they are billing you? If you can answer those questions, maybe we can help.
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What "case" was closed? What kind of case?

This makes it seem like the county now has guardianship for your Mom. If so, this renders your DPoA as null and void. If there is now a guardian, they are responsible for her NH expenses and taking her to medical appointments, not you.

If you are still her DPoA, then the NH cannot legally block you. Or, your Mom assigned a new PoA and it is no longer you.

Your post is very confusing... can you please answer the questions we are asking you to clarify? Otherwise we can't really provide any actionable help...
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I honestly cannot understand anything you wrote above. This could be a really simple case of english-as-a-second-language or of simple anxiety with expressing what has happened here.
I hope you will see an elder law attorney, as it seems this is currently out of your hands, and that your Mom has been placed in care. An attorney will help you get information as to what is happening but I suspect that at present the state may have stepped in as guardian for your Mom after your breakdown.

I truly wish you the very best, but as you can imagine we here have no information on your case.
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