
Grandpa is eighty and has dementia. He has turned from the gentle soft spoken man we've known all or lives to a man spirited, cursing hateful person whom no one can handle. He screams, he yells he accuses everyone if stealing from him. He has attacked my sister. He tries to damage the furniture and now he leaves the house and wonders around until someone brings him home. We don't know what to do at this point. His doctor is no help.

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So sorry you have to cope with this. Grandpa needs to be in a safe place, preferably a Memory Care facility that can handle alzheimers or dementia. If an attack starts, call 911 for help getting him admitted.
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it sounds like he needs a doctor with some training in elder affairs .
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He needs to be in a memory care facility. Have you looked into POA and guardianship? You may have to if he won't go voluntarily.
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I agree that your grandpa needs to be in a safer environment.
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