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It depends upon the type of policy. Will you be on Medicaid and did that factor into your eligibility? If it is a Term life insurance policy --- no cash value, the policy typically lapses when premiums are no longer paid. This means there is no death benefit. Most insurance companies have an 800 number where you can call and ask questions. Some policies may have a nursing home rider that allows the policy to continue if the insured goes into a nursing home. There are many variations and the only solid response is to call the company that issued the policy and ask them. Good luck.
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Do you have your insurance policy document? Its terms and conditions should tell you what you want to know. If it still isn't clear, ring the insurance company, tell them your policy number, and ask them to explain.

This question isn't as silly as it sounds: why do you need life insurance?
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If it's a term policy you should have the beneficiary of the policy start to make the payments. If it's a permanent policy, you should sell it. If the death benefit is big enough there are people/companies that will buy your policy from you.
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If it's a term policy with relatively reasonable premiums, it might make sense for family members to pay the premiums so that there are funds for a funeral (sorry to be so blunt).
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