
My mother had an accident 3 years ago. Since then, she became a really different person. First, I was changing too and I hated her. Nowadays I understand her. She's having panic attacks, she's always angry, not joyful anymore, can't stand argues, when argue starts she's starting to yell, changes her opinion in 1 second. Once I told her to go to any psychiatrist and guess what she said? 'Am I crazy?' and she was mad at me.

I told her it's the normalest thing in the world everyone can have mental disorders it's okay but she didn't listen.

She never listens me, does what she wants.

I don't really know what to do.

She's going to marry in 5 months and I know she'll be happy but won't change.

I'm glad her husband is an understanding person, despite everything my mother said to him cause he always knows that my mother didn't mean it when she said it.

What is your thoughts?

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Are you caring for your mother in your home? Depending on how your presented your statement that she has a “mental disorder”, she may have taken it the wrong way, even if you followed it with your opinion that it’s “normal” ( It really is not, though). She was most likely insulted by your statement. Did Mom suffer a head injury when she had her accident? Was she treated in the hospital for one?

If your mother lives independently and is making her own decisions which she probably is since she will soon marry, there isn’t much you can do. You can not force her to get treatment or counseling. Her soon-to-be husband may have more luck speaking with her about getting help. She sounds like the sort of person who subscribes to the theory that children should do as they’re told and not tell their parents what to do. Do not argue with your mother. Stay away from touchy subjects like her mental issues. It’s most likely best if you try to keep things calm for her.
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asonlyone Aug 2018
She didn't suffer a head injury. If I tell her she's different because she has a mental disorder, she would feel worse believe me she need to feel normal. I'm doing my best for her
How old is mom? 37.

Is mom living with you or you with her?

Are you in Turkey or Florida?

I hope mom will change when she lives with her new hubby. Or is hubby going to move in with you and mom?
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asonlyone Aug 2018
I'm living with her, my grandmother and uncle
She is going to move with her new hubby but I'll see them every weekend and summer
Did Mom have a head injury in the accident? She needs to talk to her doctor about this. There is medication for this problem. Her future husband maybe understanding but its going to be a different thing when he is living with it 24/7. Maybe he should suggest a doctors visit and go with her. I would not get married till her problem was looked at.
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