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They're also for people who travel, especially businesswomen and businessmen who travel for business.
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For me, my go-bag was what I kept in my car so that if I got stuck at my mom's NH or nearby, I'd have enough underwear and other incidentals to get me through until I got home.

My DH once gotordered to the ER; that turned into open heart surgery. I should have brought under wear, socks, a brush, shampoo and an extra tee shirt.

For some folks, it's what they bring for their incontinent elder.

I have always found that a charging cord and battery back for my cellphone transcends all categories.
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Anything you might need if you were away for a while.
When I was caring for my Husband I had a backpack with :
A change of briefs (aka "diaper") Several as a matter of fact.
I also had another pair of fleece pants. They fold easily and soiled ones can be shoved into a plastic bag.
He needed liquids thickened so I had packets of ThickIt to use in any drink.
Bottles of water.
I also had a copy of his POLST (like a DNR but more detailed)
The phone number for the Hospice he was on. (Hospice was primary for a call since he was on Hospice they became our 911)
I also had my contact information as well as my emergency information.

think all the things you would need if you were taking a young child. Just larger sizes. And more of each item.
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Basically an emergency bag that will be taken to hospital if an emergency visit is necessary. I believe they started with pregnant Mom, who packed a go bad in readiness for the trip to hospital. In a seniors case would have list of regular medication, brief history as well as toothbrush, et al.
As to one for "pee" I haven't heard that one, but seems possible?
We in SF have go bags for the quake in which we can't return to the house for sometime, space blanket, medications, water, etc.
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Ask alva😇😇

senior's go-bag should include:
Car and house keys.
First aid kit.
Sanitation and hygiene items.
A change of clothes.
Extra eyeglasses.
Extra batteries for medical supplies like hearing aids.
Cash and coin.
Medications and medical devices.

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