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Whatever they'd care to eat!
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Anything they want~
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My Aunt with mod/advanced dementia and not many teeth ate either a cornmeal muffin or bran muffin with coffee for breakfast, Campbell’s Chicken & Rice soup with an egg in it for lunch and then something minimal for dinner, like a cream cheese & jelly sandwich, with fresh fruit or something she could chew. Then often had ice cream in the evening. She ate this every day for many years and passed at almost 101 from complications of a broken hip .

Your LO should eat whatever they like.
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The diet is anything they want at that age.
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At 100 years old, their diet doesn’t really matter. If they want to eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, who cares?

When my mom was in her hospice care home at age 95, I brought her ice cream all the time!

She loved her ice cream and it seemed to be the thing she most enjoyed.

She probably didn’t even weigh 100 pounds and she didn’t always finish her single serve cup but she enjoyed every single bite that she took.
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As long as the bowels keep moving and the tummy is happy they should be able to eat whatever they want.
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