
I'm beyond tired & to find out what my siblings are doing behind our backs...its sad to know that you can easily put my mom in a nursing home when they hardly see her only in the hospital...smh..well I'm not gonna fight over anything like the house I could care less about it I just want my mom to have her wishes met which I'm doing. It's a struggle but I've learned ALOT.

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I had to completely detach from my twisted sisters. My life was and is better without them in it. So much cruelty to me, don"t they realise that everything they did also, ultimately hurts our mom? Some sibs just are not worth the energy that we expend hoping that they would just understand. Mine never did, probably never will.

It takes a very thick skin and you will become a stronger and more compassionate person for it. And you also have the time with your mom that nobody can never take away from you. It takes a very special person to be able to provide care for an elderly parent. You are doing good.
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I know its hard. For me growing up as the oldest of my sibling group, I just had duty and loyalty stamped into my DNA. After my dad's stroke, my siblings wanted him in a nursing home. It was a tough road. I thought we could pull together to meet my dad's needs. After three years of daily care, I did become quite angry and bitter towards the siblings. Maybe shear stubbornness kept me going till my dad passed. I still regret that I didn't do my best, otherwise he would still be alive. But if you are at the breaking point, please don't hesitate to look at other options. Its not a weakness to say you've had enough. Its better to recognize this and then to struggle along sometimes. Thinking of you.
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