
Is $10 gas cards a good gift?

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That sounds like a great gift Crossm!
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Yes, I think a gas card or a shopping card if you know where they shop is a wonderful wonderful idea.
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A $10 gift card doesn't seem like much considering the care you loved one is getting is very personal. I would really be up the creek if it weren't for the caregiver we found for my mom. I think she's worth her weight in gold and would throw money at her every chance I got if I could. Walmart, Subway Sandwiches, and Target also have gift cards available and are pretty universally available.
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My mom loves to buy gifts for people, and is barely able to now,, its sad. But when she could, and dad had a "companion" who was like family to us.. mom paid attention. The gal talked about how she was often cold at night.. so we got her a big fuzzy bathrobe.. she loved it! Gift cards are also great if you don't know the CG so well. Our CG was not supposed to get gifts.. but really we know we all get around that rule if we love our CGs :) And I think most agencies turn a blind eye.. as they should in my opinion. After all, we tip our hairdressers … I am also not against some plain old cash in a card.. We do this for the housekeeper.. makes up for the unforeseen accidents she sometimes finds ...
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Yes. My boss gave me biodegradeable bubble wrap. I will never forget his endeavors to teach us to not pollute the environment.
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pamzimmrrt Dec 2019
that is hysterical. And Sad!! I hope you are kidding.. I work for a huge hospital, and we get a $6 gift card for a meal if we work Christmas,, and free parking that day. If you don't work on Christmas,, you get nothing. Nice, right? Parking is normally $12 a day.. yep,, and I work in the "hood" And BTW, the only place open to eat on Christmas at the hospital is Subway., and a bagel place how Chirstmassy The cafeteria is closed!
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I like Visa gift cards because they can be spent almost anywhere on almost anything.
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My mother is in a memory care unit staffed by three eight hour shifts of nursing, aides , counselors, janitors and office secretary. Not all work the three shifts. I’m bringing in 3 dozen donuts on Christmas morning so all shifts are able to enjoy them
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Crossm, gift cards are great and the amount is whatever you feel comfortable in giving.

My Dad had 3 shifts of caregivers helping him at home, and for the ones who were on a regular schedule, I would give Target gift cards. One does have to make sure that such stores are within their driving reach.

After my Dad had passed, I gave the two regular caregivers who had been with my Dad for over a year a bonus check sent directly to their home address.
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