
I can't talk to the bank or make a doctors appointment, that costs me hours of time. My mother thinks my two sisters who live in other states should be part of it?

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I'm not sure exactly what your question is but POA would be assigned by your mother to another person to handle her medical and financial affairs when she is no longer able or agrees to let her POA handle things. I would not advise joint poa with siblings as it can be impossible to get all to agree on the simplest things. Have mom choose one person and make the others backup poas.
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Let's look at this a different way.... what if your Mom doesn't have a Power of Attorney?

Well, the Courts step in and they decide what is best for Mom.... and this takes time and money. And eventually someone from your Mom's family will be appointed and it may not be who Mom's want.

It is best to appoint one person as the main Power of Attorney, and have a second person assigned if the first person is unable to carry out the duties of the Power of Attorney. Having too many people with equal share in the decision means nothing will get done unless everyone is one the same page.... rarely in families does everyone think the same.
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I disagree based on experience. I had dual poa w sister. She wanted full power and trucked my father into believing I was trying to have him declared incompetent and out in nursing home. Would have been harder for her to do so against three. Long story and he had psychiatric and brain issues so there wasn't any way to move him past that once it was instilled. Hard to stop so bribe with anti social personality disorder. You can all work it out.
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Three of us are on same page. The one w the poa is not. The devious are one step ahead. We would welcome court appointed. And if that were to occur, my sister would not likely be appointed based on things she has done.
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