
She loves my aunt more than me.

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Hi Shahana
Why would you think your GM doesn’t love you?
Are you having a tough day?
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I think it's helpful to remember that a lot of the time whether or not someone likes you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. If you look like a someone that was mean to them, they might have trouble warming up to you. If you are outspoken and decisive or you are shy and quiet or you have any type of personality at might remind them of someone else that they didn't like. It might even remind them of something in themselves they don't like. It's really not about you.

You should try not to compare yourself with others. It never works out well. Compare yourself with who you were yesterday and try to be better than that.
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i think you should ask her if she loves you
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shahana Nov 2018
thank you all for helping me'
You have nothing on your profile. How old are you? Does Grandma have any type od Dementia. Is ur Aunt her caregiver? Where r ur parents?
You need to tell us a little about the situation than we can help.
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