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I’m not certain what you mean by “going off”. But if your husband has serious difficulty breathing, you need to call 911. Speak with his doctor to find out why this is happening and ask for their advice on what you should do.
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If "going off" means intervals between taking meds, he might need to take more, or a different dose, but obviously this is a medical decision.

How long has he been taking this particular med, and how long have the breathing difficulties occurred?  

Have you raised this with the doctor prescribing his PD meds?    If so, what was his/her response?   If you haven't, I would do so, immediately, after calling EMS and advising that DH will be treated by them and taken to the ER if necessary.
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He is likely hyperventilating if by "going off" you mean getting excited. Ask him to take a few deep breathes if he is able. Ask him to breathe into a bag if he is able. Worst that can happen is he will pass out, but that of course means a fall. Speak to his doctor about this; perhaps need to titrate some medications?
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By "PD," do you mean peritoneal dialysis? My husband's on that, at home.

Fluid build-up (edema) can occur if it's been too long between exchanges. Some of the fluids may press upon the lungs, causing shortness of breath.

"PD" stands for loads of conditions and treatments. I may be totally off the mark here ... if so, my apologies!
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Greta's husband has Parkinson's Disease - Greta, by "going off" do you mean a generally rough patch or something more specific than that?

The usual first aid for someone who's having breathing difficulties or discomfort is to make sure he is positioned comparatively upright and well-supported, and to prompt him to breathe evenly and slowly if he's getting agitated. But wouldn't it be best to take advice from your husband's medical and nursing team about how to manage this?
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