
I have a camera set up in her room so I can watch her without disturbing her. When I enter her room after she has been knocking she will pretend to be asleep or say it wasnt her. Has anyone else dealt with anything similar or have any ideas? I have one side of her bed against the wall and the other side I have a bed rail to make sure she doesnt fall out of bed or try to get up without help. I'm open to any and all ideas. Thank you in advance.

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Perhaps a hospital bed through Medicare or hospice would work better for your grandmother. You could position it where she could not touch the walls and be safe with rails on both sides of the bed.
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You can put a bedrail on one side of her bed and move the bed away from the wall.
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Hospital bed would work best for your granny. My mother has a hospital bed with 2 full length siderails. Need to get a doctors order for the bed, it will take some time, but worth it. Granny sounds so cute.
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Can she tell you what she wants?

Is she scared? Checking where her wall is to feel safe?

Lonely? Does the knocking get people coming in?

Can't remember it's bedtime?
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Do you know why she does this?

Get a pretty, quilted wall hanging so she can knock to her hearts content but will not bother you? A piece of foam? A sound proof booth?😈
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