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there are many sites online that will do them. Some offer free federal taxes and low cost for the State tax filing.

this can all be done from in front of your own PC.
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If you want to pay someone else to do your taxes, could you use H&R Block? 4703 Central Ave, 704-566-8124.

If your return is fairly simple, a regular branch will do. If you have a more complex situation, you could go to a Block Advisors office, which has CPAs on staff. Charlotte has one of those at (704) 522-9600.

We've used them for years and years without problems. (I like using a service like this because I can pay a bit extra for their "Peace of Mind" guarantee. If the IRS has problems with our return, H&R will handle it for us. Also, I sometimes email throughout the year with questions, and our CPA answers them at no extra charge.)

You could also ask people you know to recommend a CPA who would do the same thing.

My public library offers tax help, but they only do that in Feb-Apr. Looking online, it seems that your community offers free help for people earning $55k or less, but this last year, it also began in Feb.
Good luck!
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AARP offers free tax preparation services provided by trained volunteers in many communities. Here's a link for the Charlotte, NC area AARP. You can call or email them to ask about the tax program. They won't start offering the service again until January, as they only do it during "tax season."
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