
I'm so sad. Mother is in hospital. I'm seeing my mother suffer, but I'm selfish too. I don't want to see her go, but I feel the longer I wait the more infection will take. I don't have power of attorney, I don't have advanced directive. I feel stuck. I want to do hospice, kinda, I just wish I could fix it all and I can't but I can. In limbo any suggestions?

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Does your mother want to do hospice at this time? Would she be eligible for hospice? (That generally means the people in her condition generally have a life expectancy of 6 months or less.) What are the discharge plans for Mother?

This is indeed very sad. We all wish we could fix our loved ones. Sometimes all we can do is contribute to their comfort.
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What does your mom want? Is she still of sound mind? Can she make her wishes known? Even if you bring in hospice, your mom could live beyond the six months and go back off hospice. So it's not a death sentence to go on hospice. I told my mom we were getting "extra help" for me when I brought in hospice because she was beyond understanding what was going on. Hospice WAS more help for me. And for mom.
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