
My mother is 83.She lives in Greenpark-Douglasdale-Johannesburg. To do some shopping 10-12 hours a week. Can you help?And I would like to know the rate per hour please.

She is Greek

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Greenpark-Douglasdale-Johannesburg is in South Africa. Any responders from that area?
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Caregivers are very expensive. I know because I was one myself before I had to quit and stay home to care for my own husband. I am first generation Greek/American, and I am sure you will find some help. I would urge you to call what is called "City Hall" here; don't know what they call it there. They should be able to recommend assistance which is virtually, if not completely, free. Let us know if you had any luck. Best wishes! OPA!
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Check with care website with a search of your area. We don't have any direct help, just "talk" and ideas here. Hope you find something on care website. otherwise you could try something like Visiting Angels or one of the caregiver franchise companies.
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Do they have anything like the Area Agency on Aging there? A government enity that is tasked with assisting the elderly. They are a great resource in the States to find any sort of help.
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Is she ambulatory? Need assistance once there?Check with your area transit system, many offer free rides for the elderly, handicapped in smaller wheelchair accessible buses that come to your home and take them and pick them up and bring them back but they do not shop with them. If she needs a companion to go with her check the want ads for caregiver/errands/shopping/ appts etc.... probably $10 to $14 an hour if their car. Make sure it is safe, insured and they have a good driving record! Also you may try your local churches some offer these services as well......I'd be happy to but to far away!
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