
We won't get to see a Neurologist until the end of August what can we do in the mean time to help her? She has whole body tremors so she can't stand alone and this started just two weeks ago. It seems like its moving so fast.

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There are so many conditions that mimic Parkinson's, is this a new diagnosis or has she been dealing with Parkinson's for years? In either case your primary physician should be able to prescribe something to offer some symptom relief until you see the specialist.
Another thought - have you changed any of her medications recently? My mom developed distressing tremors when her doctor changed her blood pressure medication, turns out it was also known to treat essential tremor.
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That appointment is way too far away, and honestly I would call them and say so. If they do not help I think that an emergency room visit is not out of line. Parkinsons is one of the few things out there at this stage that can often be helped. This sounds acute to me. Let your doctor know this, and if there is no response I would take her to the ER.
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That's horrible that he can't see her until August! That's way too far away.

Can her PCP see her? She may be able to consult with neuro and at least put in a temporary plan until he can see her?

Good luck.
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No one can predict how fast PD will progress. It may be due to her advanced age and/or her general health. Medications can stop working suddenly. Often meds need to be changed or adjusted. That's what a doctor has to do. Notify her doctor right away there are changes. The sad thing is that no cure exists.
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Did she see her PCP who recommended that she see a neuro doc?

Does her PCP know that she won't be seen until August?

I would call the doc and see if he thinks taking her to ER is appropriate.
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