
Yes I have wondered this seeing My own Mother of 87 years Who worked very hard throughout Her Life, and has been devoted to prayer and devotion to Our Blessed Lady. Mom is dying very slowly from Alzheimer's, a disease of the brain otherwise known as THE LONG GOOD BYE. Mom had seven Children, has twelve Grand Kids, and five great Grand Kids so far, Who are Mother's pride and joy. Mom always had only one wish and She expressed it to Us, IF EVER I LOOSE MY MIND ID PRAY FOR THE LORD TO TAKE ME, BECAISE I WOULD BE BETTER OFF GONE. A Mother Who was always giving unconditionally. Yet many times I have seen Person's Who Lived selfishly, and contributed very little but THEY PASS AWAY IN THEIR SLEEP.

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Well said Jessie. Some people live good, decent and honest lives and pass early for whatever reason. Others are pure evil all their lives, are not religious or do any praying and live to a ripe old age. It is what it is.
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Johnjoe, I don't think there is any answer to your question. Life can be random. We could be saints and go out tomorrow to get killed in crossfire between police and criminals. We never know. We can only appreciate each day we're given the best we can. Thank you for reminding me of this with your message.
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