
Siblings taking mom (94) to emergency room just to get another 100 days in rehab. Siblings do not want to use mom's money to pay for nursing home. She was in rehab for 100 days was sent home for not being eligible for Medicare. My sister took her in for three weeks. Now took her to the emergency room. My mom says she is there for a good check up. Will the insurance company pay for this.

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Well I think doctors and hospitals are pretty used to dealing with this kind of thing. If they don't find a good reason to admit her and then send her to rehab, I don't think they will. Please let us know the outcome...
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She has been admitted. She has been there a couple of days they are running all kinds of tests on
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Medicare has limits and if she has already gotten 100 days for a particular condition, she will not get another 100 days for it, unless there has been a break of at least 60 days since the last SNF stay. Go to and read the limits of claims.
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