
I know respite care (through hospice) is five days but how do they count it? My mom will be going Thursday afternoon and be coming home Monday morning. To me, that seems like 4 days ( Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) but they count the day she comes home as one of the 5 days even thought she will be home for most of it. Is that how it is supposed to be?
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It seems that is the way they count it. Will she be there most of the day Thursday? Can you have them bring her home on Monday afternoon/evening?
Helpful Answer (2)

Can you ask for her to be brought home Tuesday? That would make it 5 nights.

Medicare can explain to you what 5 days actually means and since they are big on midnights as days, maybe hospice is cheating people out of a day.

Well worth making a call or checking the website.
Helpful Answer (2)
Nana2tyler96 Aug 2021
I would have to pay for it and I can't. She said that would be the 6th day.
It seems that is the way they count it. Will she be there most of the day Thursday? Can you have them bring her home on Monday afternoon/evening?
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Nana2tyler96 Aug 2021
The last time they picked her up late afternoon and brought her home in the morning. They were supposed to pick her up early but the ambulance was on a call. Thank you
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