
She has been in a prison yes I said prison type Assisted Living for almost 2 months. I need my Mom. He is filling her head with lies about me. I need my Mom and want her back in her home I am living in. Please help me. I even have her aggressive dog with me that I never got along with. I need advice. I never wanted to take care of this dog - I am struggling etc -it's ruining my life more.

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Monika, you keep saying you need help. This is an advice forum. People can offer you advice based on what they know and have experienced. There are many excellent ideas to try here. I will tell you that if you behave in an agitated and emotional way, authorities and medical
staff tend to suspect that you are irrational and not trust-worthy. Try to stay calm, make a plan and be rational. Your mother’s needs must come first as she is the one who needs help the most. I wish you good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)

If mom in assisted living, that is not cheap care. Either mom or the siblings pay for that kind of facility care. With that said, are you sure sibs are stealing money from her?

How did she end up in AL facility if you were caring for her in her own home? Do siblings want to sell the house (that you're in now) to pay for her care? You have to remember that house belongs to mom and all her money and assets should be used to pay for her care at this time of her life. Is that part of the issue.

Did you own a home prior to moving in with mom to care for her? Did you have your own income when you moved in with mom?

What, exactly, created the rift between you and the siblings. More info needed to help you with suggestions or answers

Last question. Why did brother ban you from seeing her? Or, did you create a scene at the AL over something and it's really AL who does not want you on the property? You're replies on this site reflect anger towards total strangers and family may get even harsher replies.

Go ask an atty to help you. They are more in the know.
Helpful Answer (0)

I'm sorry to stray from the question but it seems to me Monika needs help and not with ongoing situation. The aggressive behavior displayed here in this forum is unacceptable. Speaking in such ways to those who are trying to offer what advice they can is not normal behavior. I would end this thread.
Helpful Answer (9)
geddyupgo Jul 2, 2024
Totally agree! This thread should be ended and members can move on to give advice to people who ask for and don't respond with foul language. OP is obviously needs help for herself that we can't supply here.
Give the dog to your brother. Don't have any part of it. The only way you can fix this is to get a lawyer and apply for guardianship which will be expensive.

If he is stalking you call the police and report it.

Take care of yourself first then send a letter to your mom.

Helpful Answer (0)

That’s not cool. I do not care who has a POA, that is your mom and you have every right to see her. The brother is probably objecting because he does not like the relationship you had with your mom. This a jealously and retaliation. He has not right to speak ill of you… ever.

Unless your brother is willing to talk and see your needs, I would go get an attorney and challenge the POA in all it ‘s forms.

being a caregiver can be brutal and the answers that you were given are frankly cruel and uncaring . Shocked at them.

yes assisted living is hugely expensive. But there are
other solutions than selling the house. …. Depending on what state you live in.

i am so sorry these people have been giving your cruel and selfish answers. Not every person was made for assisted living . It can be a prison… so I beg to differ with anyone who says it is not. I have seen the doors locked . They have no personal care and needs. Yes for the person protection, but also for the staffs convenience.

being home you could still allow her to live where she has always known. Fill in care givers… which also can be expensive, might be a better solution for you both .

challenge the POA legally
Helpful Answer (0)
MargaretMcKen Jun 30, 2024
I am truly startled to think that my answer could be considered to be “frankly cruel and uncaring” or “cruel and selfish” !!?? In reality, "go get an attorney and challenge the POA" is more likely to be cruel. Litigation is stressful, slow and expensive, even if possibly successful.
If you think Mom was tricked into giving him POA, then you need a lawyer not forum advice. That is serious, but you have to be able to prove it. If Mom understands the situation she should call the lawyer. Unless she is incompetent the POA is not in force.

My concern is that you sound like my step-daughter. She has her own special needs. She says she was her Mom's caregiver but Mom did all the shopping and cooking and they shared the cleaning. They had a serious falling out and Mom was removed from their shared apartment, leaving a sick elderly dog with her daughter. Mom is not moving back there. The dog was taken to a shelter after neighbors complained.

Unless there are legal grounds to change this situation, you need to move forward with your life. If Mom is being cared for safely you have to accept your situation and get help for yourself.
Helpful Answer (6)

Monika, you will understand that we only get what the Original Poster has written to us, and don’t hear the other side of the story (if there is one).

Your ‘monster estranged sibling’ may indeed have horns and a tail. He may be cruel to your M, may just be after M’s money (although an AL is the quickest way to get through it), may be acting in pure spite towards you. The other story we sometimes hear is that a sister wants M at home but is unrealistic about it, has set up a roster for support from family members that can’t or won’t be provided. That the reason why sister “wants her back in her home I am living in”, is to avoid it being sold. That sister comes to see M, phones many times, says she would gladly take her home and it’s all B/SIL’s selfishness that’s in the way. That M misses her, but finds the contacts too unsettling. The different ‘story’ is why the PIL has used his rights to cut off contact. Whatever the truth, that's the story, and it stands up well in court.

At the moment you have ‘lost’ your brother, for the time being ‘lost’ your mother, and gained instead an ‘aggressive dog’ that would probably be dangerous for M as well as for you. Getting into litigation will make it worse. Perhaps seeing a counselor (or church support) might help you to work out what is best for you. You just have to accept that your M gave B the POA which gives him the right to work out what is best for M.
Helpful Answer (2)

If you were caring for your mum, why would you allow an aggressive dog to remain in the house? It could turn on your mum.
Why would you say that you were a slave for years, caring for your mum, yet also say that you want her back?
It makes no sense.
You need to look after yourself before you're in a position to care for anyone else.
Helpful Answer (1)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
You didn't read my post what so ever. Do you not know how to read. The dog became aggressive when her evil son forced her to go to the Assisted Living. I need severe help how to lift this ridiculous ban. It's causing me so much pain. I need my Mom. He came and stalked me this afternoon. Very scared.
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Monikab: Retain an attorney.
Helpful Answer (2)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
Called 50 nobody will help me. He stalked me this afternoon.
Every situation is different I can only go by my experience. I am the caregiver to my Father whom came to live with me after finding out that one of my sisters was doing financial abuse and mental abuse to my father and his girlfriend. He had the beginning of Dementia but was still able to make decisions without undue influence. We had two doctor test my Dad and he passed both. When we found out about the abuse, she tried to get conservatorship she was denied by the courts. She continued calling and verbally abusing him, I set up a phone monitoring system with a nurse, I did not make the rules nor did I want to be in the conversation. She laid down the rules and the sister keep breaking them , she keep giving her warning and finally had to end the call due to the verbal abuse. I have two other siblings another sister was ok for a while then one day I noticed my Dad looking Funny and holding his phone away from his ear. Asked my husband to go see he found that sister yelling profanity at him and blaming him for all her problems. Next my brother was trying to hit my father up for money to purchase property house and just cash in general. I told them both from now on you could talk to Dad or visit but only with a monitor so they could not abuse him. They had one visit and then none, they finally realized they could not abuse him or use him like a piggy bank. When he came to live with me we hired a fiduciary to handle all his financial and management of his property. This way my job was just to take care of Dad.
So suggest to your family to hire a monitor and have them present when in person or on the phone conversation are taken place.
Helpful Answer (0)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
I am not the problem he her evil son is. It is killing me. He answers when I call. Then he emotionally abused me over and over again. He is most definitely doing it to my Mom too. Nobody will help me. It hurts so bad. He came and stalked me today very scared.
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I don't think there is enough info her for us to assess the situation. But on the face of it -- a facility cannot stop a visitor that the resident wants to see, unless that visitor is a danger to people (residents, staff). However, some (most?) facilities don't know the law and will take the side of the POA - incorrectly, unless the resident has directed the facility otherwise.

I don't understand the dog issue. Get rid of the aggressive dog. Turn it over to an agency that deals with such situations. Perhaps animal control can provide advice.

I have run into similar situations in the 7 years I have been exposed to what goes on in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Based on everything I have seen, experienced, and read about - and stories from others, including former staff - many facilities do have similarities to prisons: rigid regiments, denying self direction, and an attitude of "ownership" of the residents, and exhibiting retaliation for those who strive for more resident independence and more accountability of the facility. I suggest avoiding these places if at all possible.
Helpful Answer (1)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
I am not the problem he is they won't listen to me -help me.
I just went thru a similar situation with my mother. She used to say,
“Where there’s a Will, there’s relatives!” She was exactly right!! My siblings have been the WORST. They are selfish & greedy. They were more concerned about their inheritance than proper care for our mother. I’m not like them. They fed our mother false information about me. She believed all of it instead of asking me about the lies they told her. I was her primary caregiver for 11 years. My siblings spent little time with her & weren’t involved in her life until she became very sick due to a UTI with septicemia. They moved in & forced me out. I was excluded from all care decisions for our mother, including whether she should be admitted to a NH. Shame on them! I believe what goes around, comes around, karma. God don’t like ugly!
Helpful Answer (2)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
Omg same with me but I was her caregiver for 9 years excluded about her health. It's killing me they estranged siblings won't let me see or talk to her. They are stealing from her financially, controlling, deceitful, manipulative, conning, bullies,, and feeding her lies about me. He stalked me today. Very very scared. Can we talk? I am hurting.
Monikab, where do you reside? Do you reside in a city that might have counseling and social work helpers? In Austin, we have 'Integrate Mental Health" which has offices in several places in our city. Smaller towns may have fewer locations, but most towns have "Mental Heath Counseling". In what city, town, and State do you live, Monikab? I agree that you are in need of help to sort your situation out. Hang in there!
Helpful Answer (0)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
I need help getting in to see my Mom and calling her he won't let me he has a violent temper he is feeding her lies about me. It's killing me.
Folks, when a parent is in managed care, the POA CAN indeed restrict visitors to the resident. Especially those they feel will be problematic or disruptive to the resident. And it's up to the facilty to ADHERE to that demand.
Helpful Answer (8)
Jada824 Jun 30, 2024
Sometimes siblings with POA do it in retaliation against siblings they don’t get along with or they’ve done something they don’t want the other sibling to find out about. The power goes to their head & they think it means control over everything…….they’re not looking out for the elders best interest.

I know because it happened to me.
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Why are you living in your Mother's House? It would be best if you movedWhy do you continue to live in your mother's house? It would be best if you moved out. A Power of Attorney does not give a person the right to limit who your mother sees, so I don't understand your problem. Only Guardianship allows that, and that is overseen by a family court judge. Go spend $500.00 for a 1-hour visit with an elder law attorney and get all this straightened out. out. A POA, does not give a person the right to limit who your motheees, so I dont understand your problem. Only Guardianship allows that, and that is overseen by a family court Judge. Go spend $500.00 for a 1 hour visit with an elder law attorney and get all this straightene out.
Helpful Answer (1)
Sadintexas Jun 30, 2024
It is utterly untrue that only Guardianship can allow someone to stop another sibling from seeing their parent. I was and am my mother’s caregiver. When she went into the hospital, my sister, who is MPOA, kept me from seeing her for three months. She put my mother under an assumed name, and the hospital told me she was no longer there. After two months, one nurse who did not know what my sister was doing, allowed my mom to call me one day from the hospital, so I knew she was there. My sister had been telling her I didn’t love her or want to care for her anymore. I even went to the hospital with the police twice, but the hospital denied her being there in accordance with the MPOA wishes. I had to eventually hire a private investigator to find out that she was definitely there. I have a joint bank account with my mom, because she didn't want my sisters or father accessing her bank account.
When my sister found out she could not access mom’s bank account and put her in a nursing home against her will, she told the hospital to give her back to me.
She did not visit my mom more than three times when in hospital, and has not come to see mom at home since, (it has been 8 months) although she lives two miles away.
Be very careful who has MPOA or POA. I called over 100 Lawyers, spent over $1000 on consultations, and there was nothing they could do other than tell me to try for guardianship. A contested guardianship will cost more than $30,000 in legal fees. I don’t have that, nor do most others.
Evil people most definitely CAN use MPOA and POA as they wish, and can do things only as revenge, spite, or to attempt to steal assets, and there is little to nothing that can be done.
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You should be able to visit.

Sorry, but you should seek counseling because your mom can no longer take care of herself or anyone in her capacity. You say that you need your mom. She is not going back home. There is no turning back. You must accept this and try to take care of yourself.
Helpful Answer (9)

File an APS report with your county that your sibling is preventing you from seeing your parent. While a POA allows them to make decisions, it does not allow them to withhold visitation. They will go in and check on them and remind them that they cannot isolate your parent from you.
Helpful Answer (9)
Sadintexas Jun 30, 2024
APS cannot do anything. They can check on the mother’s welfare, but POA CAN deny access to anyone if they deem it is harmful to the wellbeing of the person. As the POA can determine that legally, they can pick and choose who can see the person they are POA of, and APS has no authority to override that.
I know this from personal experience.
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Im in the same position, and my neice gas stolen 31,000, police aren't intrested, I can't afford a solicitor...ITS A NIGHTMARE
Helpful Answer (1)
Crazyasaloon Jun 30, 2024
Get Adult Protective Services in her area involved. They WILL come and investigate.
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It’s not right that your sibling is blocking you from seeing or speaking to your mom unless you are upsetting her when you go there.

Alliance for better long term living helped me when my sibling did this and I was able to see her before she passed.
Helpful Answer (5)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
It has been 2 months they are believing his lies. He is violent and emotional abusive they won't hear me. He won't let me talk to her. Need help here
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you have needs as well as your mother which need addressing as a priority -
maybe time to speak to your doctor as you sound like you are suffering quite severely.

You need your mother you say/-
she may not be in a position to help you, needing help

So that needs addressing.
the dog issue. No one looks like they are in a position anymore to look after a dog let alone an aggressive one. Seek advice from dog home to take it the dog may be suffering with its loss of owner and attention ?

as for poa
that is a legal
issue that you need to seek legal advice on that

concentrate on yourself for now 1. Speak to someone about taking the dog or having it put down if it is aggressive
talk to your doctor about your feelings and how desperate you feel
he/she may be able to recommend temp medication to help you cope and maybe counselling. Wishing you well
Helpful Answer (7)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
You have no idea what I am going through nobody will help me

I’m sorry you felt you had to be a caregiver ( slave ) , and now have to find another place to live .

Your mother may be naturally declining but thinks the place is making her sick .
You said she didn’t want this, but she may not realize she needs to be there.

You have exhausted all legal avenues to have Mom come home . Sometimes even if you are right the law can’t help you . I know that isn’t fair . But you can’t change it . If you stop fighting it , perhaps your brother will let you visit your mother . If you do , you will just say you have no power , if Mom asks to go home. End of life isn’t rainbows and ribbons . The elderly are often unhappy.

You are now relieved from being a “slave”, your words . After nine years I do understand the difficulty in transitioning since your whole life for 9 years was caregiving . You are grieving not living with your mother , as well as you need to find a job and apartment . That’s alot of adjustment to make .

Try to find a social worker , look on your county website , maybe they can help you get back on feet , temporary or low income housing , some therapy , while you look for a job .

You need to focus on supporting yourself now .

Think of the serenity prayer .
Accept the things you can’t change .
Find the courage to change what you can .
You can’t change things for Mom , she is getting closer to end of life .
But you need to change things for you so you can move forward and have a life . If your Mom knew how upset you were I’m sure she would want you to get help
for yourself .
I hope you find peace.
Helpful Answer (15)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
I was forced to be a caregiver and slave for 9 years emotionally abused my whole life was threatened with consequences police don't care
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Monikab, you say “I need my Mom and want her back in her home I am living in” and “He is also illegally evicting me not his home”. It is possible that the reasons why you ‘need’ her and ‘want her back in her home’, is that you live in her house and you can’t justify that unless she is there too. Your brother has a Power of Attorney, and if it is activated, then it is not illegal for him to evict you and sell the house. Assisted Living is very expensive, and will probably work through M’s cash – so you are probably wrong if you think he is doing it to get hold of maximum inheritance.

It would be best for all of you if you could be on good terms. Could you offer to go with B to counseling together? Could you talk to someone about where else you could live? This is clearly a distressing situation for you, but if you do nothing to resolve it, it is likely to get worse.
Helpful Answer (19)

Monika, this isn't about you, it's about your mom. Routine is good for elders and so is physical therapy and set meal times. Perhaps if you treat your brother nicely, he will tell you why he feels you shouldn't be allowed to see mom. You talking about skyrocketing rent prices makes me think you need mom to take care of YOU in her home since brother is evicting you. Speak with a social worker, if that's the case, and see what services are available to you. Therapy sounds like a good idea, as a starting point.

No lawyer or police or USPS can help you, so how do you suppose WE on a forum can help you?? The POA gets to call the shots here, not you, and mom assigned your brother that job. Why might she have done that, do you think?

I hope you can get on your feet and find a nice apartment to rent. I also hope you can fix the situation with your brother. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (13)
lealonnie1 Jun 30, 2024
I wonder, Monika, if your seriously apparent anger issues and foul mouth have anything at all to do with your brother preventing you from seeing mom?
Monikab, the reason your mom needs to do physical therapy is to help her keep the abilities she has and to keep her from deteriorating even more. If she can’t keep moving around, she becomes bedbound. That would likely hasten her death. She is being helped in AL, not hurt.

You need to learn more about the process of staying healthy in old age.
Helpful Answer (4)
Monikab Jun 30, 2024
She is a weak 86 yr old who is sicker being there how cold and cruel are you. How dare you. He killed his father in nursing home by preventing him a Covid vaccine died in 2021 so stfu
He told the staff and management to ban me in so much pain I cry everyday. Can't function. Tried everything even police and lawyers nobody will help me. He has no right to do this. He even committed a crime by forwarding all USPS mail. Post office won't do anything. Need advice.
Helpful Answer (0)

Assisted Living is not a prison, so let's start there. If your mom is in AL, she must need the services they provide. Many people would be grateful to be somewhere that they are cared for.

Why are you living in your mom's home? Why do you need her there? Are you disabled? Are you unemployed?

I don't understand what you're struggling WITH, unless it's Failure To Adult. So please enlighten us.
Helpful Answer (15)
lealonnie1 Jun 26, 2024
Every AL I know of keep their front doors unlocked so residents can come and go as they please.
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What would the PoA say is the reason for banning you?

It's difficult to know what to say to posters in this situation since we're only getting your side of the story. Yes, there is always 2 sides.

I agree for you to talk to a therapist to figure out basic problem solving, healthy boundaries and goals for your life. I sincerely wish you much clarity, strength, courage, wisdom and peace in your heart as you work through things.
Helpful Answer (9)
Monikab Jun 26, 2024
He is they only listen to him
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You say you need your Mom.
But sounds like Mom needs to be where she is and POA is making sure she is cared for.

Rehome or take the dog to a shelter. You don’t have to be stuck with an aggressive dog .

Sounds like you need Mom in the home so you have a place to live . The house may need to be sold to pay for Mom’s care . You may need to move .

If you are distraught over this go see a therapist to figure out why you an adult “ needs Mom “ so badly .
Helpful Answer (8)
Monikab Jun 26, 2024
No she never wanted this this is about revenge period. He made her sign documents she didn't know she was signing she told me being there has made her sicker she wants to be in her home you don't understand
He's not there 100% of the time so I do have to wonder why she chooses to not call you. I have a little bit of an idea but...
Helpful Answer (3)
Monikab Jun 26, 2024
I found out he forwards the call to his cell. When I call m he answers then we fight on phone doesn't tell her I called. He has banned me were going on almost two months. Hurting so bad. He is also illegally evicting me not his home
You can't stop the POA from restricting you from visiting your mother, but I'm sure you can call her.
Helpful Answer (6)
Monikab Jun 26, 2024
I tried he answers all the time now
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