
I'm a caregiver to my only remaining parent (lost two). I feel burnt out even with him living in a community and getting help two days a week. I have my own health issues, two jobs, and feel like I've been the "parent" for more than 30 years (since I was 12). My dad only calls when he needs something. Isn't capable of a conversation other than to complain. Only cares how I'm doing because it impacts his own care (I'm sure this isn't TRUE but it's how it feels). I find myself avoiding him. And feeling guilty about it. Is this normal?

Yes it's normal, and yes it does often feel like they only care about them selves. as far as I'm sure it's not true and they care about you, more than just because they want you healthy just to help them, my vote is still out on that.

You have nothing to feel guilty about, you didn't make your dad old you didn't make him the way he is. Age happened , broken brain happened. You did cause this you have nothing to feel guilty about.

It sure sounds like you have done your share of caregiving in your life.

Don't feel guilty for avoiding him, you have done nothing wrong . Enjoy your life, shut your phone off and call him back when you want to not when he is demanding it.

Daughter of to vets? Does that mean your family is or was military, trust me that leads to even another element to there personality, and difficultness. I know this one. Welcome to are forum.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

I would challenge that guilty feeling, for you’ve done nothing to feel guilty about. Avoiding someone who only uses you for help or as a sounding board for griping is a natural reaction. Consider that what you’re feeling is sadness that the situation that be different or better. Sadness that you were used as a caregiver far before an age when it was appropriate, sadness that you’re just plain exhausted from it all. None of that is any reason to feel guilt. Take dad’s calls when it’s convenient for you, listen to a minimal amount of complaining, and get off the phone, as you don’t need the negativity in your life and it’s not beneficial to either of you. I wish you peace
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Daughterof1930

If a "friend" did the same, called only when they needed something, when they did call it was to complain about whatever the issue of the moment was, and asks about you only as a precursor to asking for help themselves what would you do?
I bet you would not take each and every call.
I bet you would do exactly what you are doing...avoiding them
Your parent is in a community where he is able to get the help he needs.
Your parent is in a safe place
Maybe he needs help more than 2 days a week. Can that be arranged?
Tell your dad that you can help him on -------------and tell him what day is convenient for YOU.
Tell your dad that you can't take phone calls while you are working. Once you tell him that if he calls during your work hours let the call go to voicemail. If it is an emergency he can call 911.
You need to set BOUNDARIES and you need to tell him what those boundaries are and you need to stick to them.
This is for YOUR health.
If he can not manage day to day activities where he is with help a few days a week maybe he needs more help that he would get in an Assisted Living facility.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

Does Dad suffer from Dementia? By Community do you mean he lives independently? If he does have Dementia, hecneeds to be in Memory Care.

If he is competent, than you may need to be blunt. "Dad, I am sorry but I can't deal with your problems. I have my own. I work two jobs and I just can't come home to your complaining. Solve your problems yourself or stop complaining. " You also need to set boundaries. Tell him make a list of what he needs. You will call when you have time to get the items on the list. Can this person he has do this? If so, inform the person that they need to run errands for Dad. My nephew, disabled, has an aide once a week appts and outings are done that day. I am only involved when an appt can only be made another day.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

It is a normal animal response to avoid the unpleasant or dangerous. And a GOOD response to have and keep honed.

Guilt requires causation. That is to say that guilt means that you cause something by evil intent and you, by evil intent, intend not to fix it.
You didn't cause aging for your parent.
You can't fix aging.
Your parent isn't your responsibility. Your responsibility is any minor children you have brought into this world and are caring for. Your husband who you made vows to.

You are a grownup. Honestly it comes down to whether you will continue to marinate in the past your parent created, or whether you grasp a new and better future. You may need psychological counseling in order to break free of habitual ways of acting and reacting. I highly recommend it. None of this silly online counseling; they get paid nothing and are worth less than that.

Good luck. It's your choice and up to you.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I just remember how I was treated as a kid, and the guilt just melts away.
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to olddude

Just set down a day and time to visit each week and that cuts down on the feelings of guilt. You listen to the complaining for as long as possible, then say your goodbyes. The truth of the matter is, there ARE elders out there who act nicely. That our loved ones choose to complain and act entitled is not our fault or our job to fix. Just as it's not our place to fix old age and disease, it's not within our power.

No matter HOW MUCH I did for my mother, she made sure I knew it wasn't nearly enough. How was I supposed to feel, knowing that? I was supposed to feel miserable and guilty but I didn't. I felt like she was never satisfied, even if I'd managed to put her up in the Palace of Versailles. She'd have complained the gold was tarnished. Not my problem.

In reality, I so wished for parents I felt close to. A mother I was friends with. But she made it impossible. Had we been friends, I'd have been able to see her often or even have her live with me. But the way things were, it was impossible. Due to HER ridiculous behaviors, not mine. We reap what we sow.

Don't internalize your father's issues and make them your own. Do what you can on the day you visit each week, then let it all go till the next visit.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to lealonnie1

My father started every phone conversation with "I've got a problem...". I cringed every time the phone rang. And no he never asked how I was because that didn't matter.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to lkdrymom
MSalazar227 Oct 13, 2024
My mother starts each call with “Are you busy? I’ve just called to ask a question.” She doesn’t even wait to hear if I’ve said yes or no to being busy. It’s straight to the questions. 9/10 are “ Have you seen my Facebook page? Will Smith (any celebrity) has asked me for thoughts and prayers. What should I do?”
See 3 more replies
Just remember Respect is a two way street
If you’re not getting it time to amend your behaviour and not give as much
Boundaries is your new best friend
tell him you have another job to hrlp
neet bills so can’t answer him between x and x time
or something
find a way of switching off
and getting your own sauce/tine
mahve with time he will see your true value and reform his selfish ways
no guilt justified
you weren’t born to live someone else’s life
be the main character of your own life
and take back some of it
good luck
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Jenny10

I have recently severed contact with my father. He is a high conflict person who will never be satisfied and has no problem dumping on everyone with who he comes in contact. This has always been his personality and always will be. I could give all sorts of examples, but I do not feel the need to justify anything. I am done. My boundaries were pushed and pushed until I just decided to remove myself. Guilt is a useless emotion as it doesn't really solve anything. Be honest with yourself about what you can tolerate. We do not owe any other human our life. We get one, that is all.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to mich5210
Jacquelinezr Oct 13, 2024
Good for you!! I'm so glad to read this. Just because they're you're parent, doesn't mean you have to spend your life in misery trying to please someone who will never be satisfied. I read so many posts of people in absolute misery and feeling guilty trying to please a parents who just makes everyone's life a misery (and not because they have dementia, but just because that's they're personality). No one was put on this earth to accept that level of b.s. So good for you for putting down a boundary and sticking to it.
See 1 more reply
My dad is in memory care. He does not have access to a phone there. I've instructed the care givers not to call me and put him on the phone. They redirect by saying Jackie's busy now and we can't call her. He forgets about it. If there is a medical reason to call me, of course, they do so. The few times we have talked are the phone are excruciating and are usually all about me coming to take him out of there. The months leading up to placing him in memory care were incredibly stressful and now it's time for me. I have set boundaries which I didn't always do in my life. You might resort to not answering when you see their number on caller ID. Then you could call staff and see if there is an emergency if it makes you feel better.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JR2555

Very normal! Definitely burn out, you've reached your threshold! Why feel guilty? You've done everything possible and you're only human. You can't fix everything but you have to fix yourself first. Tell dad you need some time for you! Tell him how much you're going through while he's got it easy peasy ,no hassles or worries. You have no reason to feel guilty!! You need a break, tell him!! If anything, you get it off your chest and get some relief from your frustration. You can't go on like that, time for some R&R.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JuliaH

Caregiver burnout is a very common problem. You have to know the signs, and what can be done to prevent it. Otherwise, both the patient and caregiver will suffer.

Chronic Stress
A defining feature of dementia caregiving is its nonstop nature. This means that stress never stops, and the hits keep on coming, 24/7.
With each stressful event, the body undergoes physiological changes as it gears up to meet the demands of the situation. After each episode, the body needs time to clear the physiological byproducts of the stress response. This recovery period, and the return to baseline, can take up to several hours.
For a dementia caregiver, however, the recovery period is all but nonexistent. The caregiver often faces a runaway situation, where the body never receives respite long enough to clear the byproducts of stress response and recover fully.
A consequence of this chronic stress is that dementia caregivers are themselves at risk. In one study, caregivers who experienced care-related strain had a 63 percent higher mortality risk than non-caregiving controls. This makes chronic stress a primary concern for dementia caregivers.

Signs of Chronic Stress
·      Irritability
·      Anxiety
·      Withdrawal
·      Depression
·      Burnout
·      Sleep issues
·      Trouble concentrating
·      Lack of attention to one’s health

Watch Out for Creeping Depression
There’s a short path from chronic stress to depression. The threat of depression should not be taken lightly. Depression is one of the most common conditions afflicting dementia caregivers and may appear at any stage of dementia progression.
What makes depression especially dangerous is the stealth with which it creeps up and engulfs its victims. Often the caregiver is not even aware of depression taking hold, until the process is well under way. By the time they realize what is happening, it’s already too late.
·      Task at least one friend or family member who is in regular contact with you to watch you for signs of depression. Have them sound the alarm at the first sign of a problem developing, and when they do, heed their warning.

Signs of Depression
·      Persistent sadness and anxiety
·      Feelings of hopelessness and despair
·      Irritability
·      Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
·      Loss of interest and enjoyment in everyday living
·      Exhaustion and lack of energy
·      Problems with concentration and sound thinking
·      Sleep disturbance
·      Changes in appetite and weight
·      Persistent issues like headaches and digestive problems
·      Thoughts of death and suicide
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Samad1
BurntCaregiver Oct 15, 2024
Still plugging the book, Samad. SMH.... God bless.

Maybe in your next book you'll tell the world of caregivers something all of us don't already know in spades.

Solutions and options are what tired, burned-out caregivers need.
They already know they're tired, depressed, and living miserable lives of drudgery and care slavery.

Here's one way a person can help a caregiver dealing with burnout.

Offer to babysit and elder for a few hours. Bring by a meal for a caregiver. Run an errand for them. Don't forget about them either.
You have described every caregiver's daily life especially when dealing with a parent's care. No matter how good or how bad our relationship with that parent was before they required care, no matter whether the parent is living in a skilled nursing or assisted living or memory care, or in our own home, and no matter how much we love them, we will feel nothing we do is ever enough. Sometimes it feels as if every single waking moment is somehow wrapped up in the care of that loved one. It is frightening to watch our parents decline and know that they depend on us to help them and feel (or know) that they resent us for having to depend on us. It really is a Catch-22 situation. It is, also, frightening to see this happening to them and us and fear that that will someday be the situation between us and our children. All we can do is rationalize that life consists of navigating situations, doing the best we can, and finding and taking whatever joy we can when the opportunities arise. If it becomes too hard, we talk to friends, we ask for help, we discuss it with our doctors. My own mother, who is 95, consistently asks me to put myself in her situation. That is all I have tried to do for the past five years and respect her wishes without endangering her health. After the last time she asked me to put myself in her situation, I asked her to do the same - put herself in my situation. She and my dad never had to care for their parents - their other siblings did that. She and my dad never knew the sacrifice, the expense, the guilt put on us, the caregiver child. Of course, she had no response, and I doubt if she really thought about it. So, we soldier on, trying to manage the best we can. I know there are others who will give better insights on how to help your situation, but please know that you are not alone, that there are so many of us trying to do the best we can for our parents but feel like we are just spinning our wheels. I wish you, and all of us, well and hope that our children and grandchildren have a better future with us.
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to asfastas1can
BurntCaregiver Oct 14, 2024
I always say that caregiving is never successful unless it's done on the caregiver's terms and not the care recipient's.

Your mother like so many of out elders is the one who needs the help. So she has to accept the help on the terms it's offered on or she can go to a Long Term Care facility.

There's a fundamental difference between being a caregiver and being a careslave.

You can be a caregiver by arranging and managing homecare help for your mother. Or advocating for her if she's sent to AL or LTC.

Being a caregiver DOES NOT have to mean you have to do everything literally yourself and with your own two hands. It does not mean that and all these seniors today who think it does, are getting schooled by so many of their Gen X kids like myself.
See 1 more reply
Your dad is probably a narcissist. Since you are questioning your feelings, it is time to put your life first. You don't have other relatives that can step in? Your dad should be living in Assisted Living if he has cognitive issues. Try to devise a plan for your dad's future. Has he fallen or had emergency trips to the hospital? If you get your dad into the hospital, you can refuse discharge. Does your dad have Dementia or is he being manipulative?
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Onlychild2024

Daughterof2Vets: I'm sorry that you had to be the parent at the young age of 12. Set boundaries and take care of YOU, else your health issues worsen.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Llamalover47

Avoiding someone or something that is bad for your health is nothing to feel guilty about.

You father has a detrimental effect on your mental health and in turn will have the same effect on your physical health. How is making a healthy choice for yourself something to guilt yourself over?

Think of your situation like this. Say you were a smoker and decided to give up cigarettes for your health. Would you guilt yourself because you don't go outside for a cigarette on your break anymore with the smokers you work with?

If you were an alcoholic who gave up the booze for your health, would you go on a self-imposed guilt trip because you're not out getting lit at the bar with your drinking buddies?

If you're like me and struggle with weight but are currently maintaining a healthy weight, would you feel guilty for the McDonald's restaurant corporation because you drive past their establishments and don't stop anymore?

My guess is you'd say 'NO' to the cigarettes, ther booze, and the parking lot Big Mac with not a moment of guilt about it. You know that all of these things are bad for your health and you're doing yourself a favor staying away from them.

So why the guilt about avoiding something or someone negatively and harmfully effecting your mental health? Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

If you aren't going to cut your father out of your life completely, you should start going 'Grey Rock' with him. This means limiting how much you talk with and interact with him. You limit conversation to neutral topics and you answer questions in basic 'yes' or 'no' answers. When the complaining and demands start up you end the call or the visit immediately. This is how I have to interact with my mother. If I didn't do it this way, I would not be able to have any relationship with her.

And guess what? I don't have a moment of guilt about it. Not a single second. She tries with the guilt-tripping and the gaslighting and that's when a call or visit ends. I don't tolerate that complaining, making demands, or misery-spreading and neither should you.

Look up the 'Grey Rock' method and give it a try. It works. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
CaringWifeAZ Oct 14, 2024
Very well said, Burnt! I feel exactly the same way! No guilt!
Feeling guilty might be normal. I don't know. I don't feel guilty at all about protecting my time from my self-absorbed dad. Of course, he is a spry, healthy 84 yr old, with a wife just a couple years older than me, so I don't really worry about caring for him. However, when his wife had a health scare last year, I was worried that he felt so helpless without her, and would turn to me to be his surrogate wife, like he does when she goes out of town for a couple days.

I think many of us have some sort of dysfunctional or at least complicated relationships with family members. As far as I'm concerned, any dysfunction is the parent's doing, not the child. If the parent created a distant or uncomfortable relationship, it is not your job to fix it, or to cater to their needs.
While I recognize that there are many people who have a very close and loving relationship with a parent, and truly want to be by their side and do everything to help as their parent's health declines, that is not everyone's scenario.

My parents (my mother has already passed years ago) were very self-involved, egotistical, maybe a little narcissistic, though not dysfunctionally so, and never created a close relationship with me, never tried to get to know me, and now, my dad, as he's getting old, wants to have my attention. That's fine. I don't mind giving him a little of my time, but I have set boundaries and do not let him intrude into my life more than I am comfortable with. I think that is the way everyone will tell you to deal with an uncomfortable parent relationship. Set boundaries and don't feel guilty about protecting your own emotional well-being.
You are important, too! I mean, don't be a jerk, but you do have the right to protect yourself and not be bullied by family and friends' expectations about what you are supposed to do and feel.

From what you describe, it is your father who should feel guilty! For burdening you with his own needs. You can't do enough to make a needy person feel that their needs have been met. Start taking care of YOU for a change, and don't feel guilty about it!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ

We are all people living together on this planet. We develop relationships. Those may be blood-related or not. The path we take and how we deal with these relationships changes and moves as our life progresses on this journey. If we are wise, we learn which ones to let grow deeper and which ones to let go. It does not mean we don’t forgive or don’t understand things in these relationships but it does mean that we must use our feelings, senses, and mind to make the right decisions about them. A person has to examine himself and figure out what is the right thing for him. You can listen to others but you have to find the strength to make those decisions for yourself. You have to make the decision that is what you are willing to live or die with. There are people who give their lives for others but find some worth or value in that. Others totally turn their back on people because that is what is right for them to do-they see little value in giving of themselves in those relationships. Each person has to dig deeply and make decisions and know why they make them and then they owe no one else any explanation for what they do. They just do it. Guilt only comes when you do what goes against what you know you should do. You might be feeling sadness from what you were unable to find in a relationship and mistake it for guilt, or you might be guilty of something you know you should do differently. Search your inner self and make a wise decision for you. When you’ve lived a life being taught you are not worthy of making independent decisions and being disrespected for what you think, this is difficult. Just know that you can change and build your confidence in yourself. Develop yourself and become strong by standing up to what you decide is right. Do this for yourself.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to RetiredBrain

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