
He is very wealthy and wants to buy his own home and live with my sister. Other fam members want him to stay at condo. My dad worked for 50 years and has more money than he could possibly spend. HE wants to have his own home and quit wasting thousands a month on a condo he doesn't want.

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If he can afford the home, why not? A nice ranch in a senior community would do him well. Just make sure sis knows what she is getting in to, he may expect her to be his total entertainment center. Condos include outside maintenance and the cost of this for a separate home won't be cheaper. Forget what they want, it's his money and I hope he spends every penny before he goes.
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Has he assigned a POA yet?
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Wow! Guardianship is expensive from what I hear. My guess for judge to do that the Alzheimers/dementia is worse than mild. It is also not easy to get guardianship. I am curious..... who initiated the guardianship? Did anyone else contest the other sister to have guardianship? Were you all notified this process was taking place? He wants to buy his own home and have his daughter live with him? My mother in law has advanced alzheimers and up until a little while could sell snow to an eskimo! My guess is the dementia is worse than you realize and he may not be capable of making a decision to buy a home. Something does not seem right.
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We are just getting snippets of the story here. Before a conservatorship is granted, there is generally a court-ordered evaluation, unless two doctors qualified geriatric doctors have already concluded impairment. And now, even the sister conservator is constrained from making too many decisions, certainly no changes in real property, without the court's consent. So unless the sister is in agreement with what the father wants and is willing to make a case for the changes before the judge (go to that for her father, so to speak), there won't be any changes. If she already didn't want the job, she probably doesn't want to stress of confronting the court. She would even have to have permission from the court to place dad in assisted living and sell the condo. Until you've been tied up in the conservator process, you have no idea how crazy the system is!
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My advice is for everyone to stop fighting about this. One person, and one person only, has the responsibility and authority to make decisions.

Fighting didn't do you a lot of good in the guardianship case, did it? There is just no point to it now.
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Unfortunately, my dad was assigned a guardian whom he doesn't want. In court he told the judge he wanted one of his two daughters if he had to have someone. The judge assigned another daughter who doesn't even know my dad. Now my dad has no rights whatsoever to make ANY decisions. It's just not right.
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Is the daughter he wants to live with the one who is his guardian? Or is the guardian in favor of the house purchase?
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On the face of it dad can't do anything without the guardian's permission. The first thing would be to consult an elder care lawyer and see if dad still has any rights and if not can you go back to court If he has rights and the dementia is mild he can live anywhere he chooses. the daughter who he has chosen needs to think long and hard before taking on this assignment. he won't be always pleasant and easy going as the disease progresses and she may be stuck for many years as others have found.
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There are 7 sisters and 5 brothers. Sister #1 initiated the guardianship. When we went to court, my dad said he specifically didn't want her so the judge said it would not be her. Sister #2 and #3 were my dad's choices.The other side of the table was loud and said they did not want #2 or #3 but all they said was, "No". There was no evidence given. Sister #4 suggested sister #5.The judge told the rest of us to be quiet, asked sister #5 two questions- How many times have you seen your dad this month and how many times did you see your dad at his farm. Both answers were "twice".Then the judge said, ok, it's her. This has very negatively affected my dad. Wouldn't you think there would have been more of an interview? Sister 5 keeps saying she didn't ask for the job.
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Let Dad do what he wants, he can afford great care and can use the condo fees to support that care.
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