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If a child was not treated with love and kindness, why on earth should they show any love and kindness for their parents who did not provide it. To do so is insane. YOU must immediately STOP BEING THE SCAPEGOAT. You were are are being taken advantage of because you are seen as weak. The time is now - stop doing this at once and make plans to get the responsibility for these people off YOUR shoulders. You owe them nothing. Find a way to place them but not in your personal home. It is never to late to wake up and be smart. I know - I did it but it took me far too long.
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Scapegoat111 May 2021
To write this is more insane but here you are, you did it. Why would someone write it? YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY STOP BEING UNEMPATHETIC! Find a way to develop some consideration and understanding. The time is now- make some plans to take responsibility of abuse OFF of scapegoats' shoulders. You owe them an apology.
Not being a servant doesn't stop scapegoating. And I wonder why would a scapegoat assume other scapegoats don't defend themselves, and love is something you show; not feel. Are you another 2.nd golden turned cov narc who thinks she wasn't loved enough, perhaps? Rarely if ever do I see true scapegoats getting the perspective of the Narc better than the scapegoat's.
Scapegoats can't stop scapegoating bc they didn't start it.
I, or any scapegoat in that matter, wasn't made a scapegoat bc I was seen as weak, I was seen as a threat to the egos of my narcissistic parents, one bc I was prettier, one bc I was smarter, and both bc I was mentally strong, secure, capable of loving and being loved, but they weren't. Narcs don't target who they see as the weak, as a Narc, do you? They go for the ones better than them and find any opening in their psyche to destroy, to see themselves as the best again.
Their boiling envy won't end with me being smart and strong, if anything, it will get worse. I can't change these things about me -being gifted and attractive, having capacity for loving relationships- and they won't stop being narcissistic, they can't stop seeing me as a scapegoat.
I know - I stopped serving and even with no contact I'm still the bad, sick, crazy, cause of all problems; the scapegoat. I can't stop that by simply stopping serving them.
Even the fact that I don't give care is used as proof of my innate badness inside the family. Like my aunt's and uncle's have the same happening to them.
You can't stop being a scapegoat. Accepting that fact is "smarter" and "stronger" than seeing it as sth you can do. You can only change how you treat others, you can't change how others treat you. Hard pill to swallow, but blaming yourself for how mentally ill others treat you isn't the same as responsibility taking.
I told my sister the other day I understand why some folk become 'the black sheep' now. Those that won't follow the family 'code' & are thought weird, strange or uncaring instead. (BTW I hope that term is not offensive, is there a better one?).

I'd rather be an odd sheep than a doormat.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2020
I feel the same way as you do on this topic!
Omg! Me too. The things I want to tell my mom that are her twisted memories/fantasies/lies. The gossiping about me she still does when she dosen't think I'm listening. I feel every word of what you're saying
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Do you know for a fact that this is mostly true? I can see it in some cases, but logically it's the duty of whoever's physically closest to their parents.

I do agree about scapegoating in general, to maintain old comfort zones. You find out that people often don't get nicer as they age.

Dementia-related confabulation can create unfair reputations among caregivers. Other family members may refuse to understand what a parent puts the scapegoat through, then a resentment cycle builds. You can end up helping someone who's barely grateful while dealing with siblings mostly concerned about their own free time.

And if it spills into misinformed impressions given to neighbors and friends, it gets even more irritating. Firsthand knowledge here!
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Pepperpup Jun 2021
Yep, I hear you about "misinformed impressions given to neighbors and friends": Dear me, I remember when my mother was having a serious episode of dementia and called everyone in my small town in the NE, and told each one, "GET MY DAUGHTER OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" and I could never unlive the mortification I felt around town after that. (did I say, it's a small small teeny tiny town?). . And, you must forgive your loved-one who has slandered you. There is no way out of that. My mother was always the innocent one due to her frailty. So, yes, I can sympathize with that. It sucks so much to be in a position where your name can likely be mud around town, in the family, wherever the lies were spread by a narcissistic sibling or a mother with dementia (who is also narcissistic). We must, each one of us, have some incredible inner strength that the others know we possess and secretly envy.
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Dear BurntCaregiver,

(((hugs)))) I hear you. For myself, I was the oldest and in our culture that came with a lot of responsibilities. I was a desperate pleaser and wanted so much for my parents to "see" me. Yet I was treated like the scapegoat and everything was my fault. My parents allowed my siblings to treat me poorly.

Even as an adult, I failed to stand up for myself. Even now, I'm still the one feeling hurt and being told I am too sensitive. I feel like I could drop off the face of the earth and they wouldn't even care.

I have to agree with the others. And we have to step away and make different choices. No one should one should have to put up with abuse.
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Tribe16 Jun 2021
My mom has told me "I'm too sensitive" my whole life, usually after she's said something really unkind. You know when that is said, it's just a way to deflect their own bad behavior, right? I learned to embrace my sensitivity. I'm really good at reading people (normal people, not crazy people LOL), knowing where to jump in or back off; beautiful music makes me cry; I'm pretty intuitive. I wish all the people who have been told "You're too sensitive" could realize it was never really about them, but about the person who said it, that can't bear to be in the wrong.
I was the family scape goat, and I still am to my grown adult sister. She will dream or makeup things that I allegedly did in the past and expect me to take the blame, make amends and accept whatever she wants to pin on me. When I point out logically that some of these things never occurred or couldn’t be real, she gets mad throws a fit and then wonders why I won’t take her blaming me.
I’m in my 50’s and taking care of my mother who is 87. Guess who gets all the blame/shame/guilt/drama/trauma from my mother….. Why me of course. I set limits with my mother and try my best not to wear the “Hair coat” of shame that comes with it, but it’s hard.
When I was a child everything was my fault, always. When I finally left home to attend college (my parents expected me to) I finally could breathe. I found that since I was no longer being blamed for everything I actually had a personality and I was a real person. Within 6 months of being in college both of my parents asked me “When are you coming home again” When I finally got out of college they wanted to know “are you ever going to move back home”. I assumed primary care for my mother in 2011. She asks me weekly “when are you ever going to retire? ”
Besides setting limits and being blunt about what you can do for your elderly parents, the best thing t you can do is to stand up for yourself. Until they die, you will always and forever be the scape goat to them.
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Honestly no. That's not true in both my experience and wide knowledge. It's talked about everywhere, how the children treated worse caregive, but it's the usual dysfunctional family distorting the facts (for example, goldens claiming to be scapegoats like my sister who is now NPD, scapegoats gaslighted to the point they themselves believe they didn't suffer that much, like me) and the fools believing it, spreading it like a matter of fact, bc the narcissists said so. Hello, Narcs never tell the truth. That's not the truth.
The fixed scapegoats don't do that caregiving. It's my experience of having both dynasties of my parents VERY high in narcissism and seeing probably more than two person's share of narcissistic family dynamics closely. I witnessed and lived the stories you only hear about, as a scapegoat who knew what was up within the walls and didn't play along.
We are all responsible in the justice of the world, and like most scapegoats I am concerned with justice. We think that we shouldn't enable evil by "doing good to our abusers" "forgiving our enemies". Most scapegoats are concerned with protecting the innocent and weak, we see the enemy we let off the hook harm a weak innocent person, we don't do that anymore. That's why we don't give care to our abusers.
We get called selfish, ungrateful and heartless for "neglecting" our parent and the covert narc 2nd degree golden who got slight hits in the once-in-a-decade role switches rises to the "She suffered so much and she is caregiving." status in the narcissistic family's eyes, to keep the care going, bc fluffing their ego is how you get a narcissist to take care of a person, and how you protect the narrative. Not the truth.
What is happening there is, the golden, that is barely sort of caregiving now, is idealized and told as she was the scapegoat who went through so much (mostly lies and over the top exaggerations) yet still cares more than the real scapegoat who is narrated as the golden (lies). This does two things for the narcissistic family:
They avoid feeling bad about themselves.
The scapegoat carries the character flaws, blame and shame.
The 1st degree goldens avoid caregiving.
The elder Narcs are taken care of (generally just enough so they don't die.)
The caregiving golden is getting sympathy and sometimes money out of it, while looking like a good person.
In my experience with two narcissistic dynasties full of clinical narcissists, the scapegoat is indeed EXPECTED and TOLD to do that, doesn't do that, then BLAMED and SHAMED for that. Which, to outsiders, proves the scapegoats' smeared image, which is based on lies anyway.
The plot twist is, goldens (that you think as scapegoats who ended up caring the most bc you believe everything you hear) don't care appropriately, they treat the elder Narcs like burdens, use their sickness as attention bait from outsiders, scapegoat the elderly now and then, have fights trying to pass the "ball" to other goldens. Long story short, the Narcs finally get to experience what the scapegoat felt as a child; neglect, abuse, rejection, blame, shame. Karma, you reap what you sow. As above, so below... Whatever you call it, narcissists don't have a blissful old age.
My malignant NPD mom who tried to murder me twice along with the decades of horrific abuse, neglect, scapegoating, gaslighting, isolation etc, recently had a heart attack and they asked for my help, flying monkeys used nostalgia to raise hope in me that I tried to so hard to kill. Can you believe that? Ofc I rejected. I said, like every scapegoat within the dynasties did while their parents asked for help, I have no heart to give to heartless people.
Now she posts FB posts about ungrateful children who were cared so much for and their poor elder parents who weren't taken care of, isn't it funny?
Watch them as they soon assign one of my golden NPD sisters who is the most useful in this process as "She went through so much yet despite that takes care of us now."
Helpful Answer (1)
Pepperpup Jun 2021
Your story is so interesting to me because it's the reverse of mine. I'm the "scapegoat" who is caring for elderly narc mom. And the "golden child" is free to have a semi-blissful life with her partner/ mostly free of caregiving duties. She does help me out now and then. But she is the narcissist, not me. She has a martyr complex for the one day a week she helps me. I don't know what planet she is living on because the last time I checked, I am the one who is here 24/7 6 days a week. It's horrifying - the gas-lighting, shaming, and constant lies. So a sister and a mom who are narcissist and myself, who is just basically, at this point, burned out - but persisting. It's quite sad - but it is what it is. I know that some day - when I've passed on - this will make sense to me. I think some of us are here to transmute and heal family evil. I think of myself that way. It's the only way I can soothe the pain of having grown up in an abusive family that truly put me in a scapegoat role. Easy target - youngest child, most sensitive, most outspoken. You sound like you suffered terribly in your family. I do hope you are now surrounding yourself with people who are worthy of your friendship to them: people who value you for you - not for what they can get from you.
I’ve read that scapegoats tend to be sensitive, caring & loving. My family is EXTREMELY dysfunctional. I’m the black sheep/scapegoat. Best thing I’ve done is set up & maintain strict boundaries w parents & siblings.
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bundleofjoy Jul 2021

you wrote:
“I’ve read that scapegoats tend to be sensitive, caring & loving.”

scapegoats, by definition, are also the ones taken advantage of/mistreated.

hence sometimes: siblings take advantage, dump all the caring of the parents, on the scapegoat. the scapegoat continues to be the scapegoat.

wishing us all to find good solutions!!

I'm sorry you are going through this. It hurts. You are not alone in feeling this way. Nobody likes being the person who is willing to roll up their sleeves and getting crap kicked in your face for doing that. My mom has not always been this way but I'm convinced she has some kind of mental illness due to stress that has given some kind of personality disorder.

I am experiencing the scapegoat right now. I posted last week - I spent the weekend with my parents. My mom the caregiver, has been depressed and angry for months and is keeping it all in. My dad is cognitively all right but medically frail - still ambulatory though, just very slow. Dad and I spent time away from the house together, running errands and going for drives because my mom wanted time alone in the house. I understood this - she needed a break. We thought we were doing what she wanted. However, Sunday night she blew up. She blew up because you know why? We enjoyed ourselves. We weren't miserable like she is.

Mom is miserable and angry because she has hated being in her marriage for years. She has vented to me about my dad for years. My dad defends her behavior. He never has a bad thing to say about her.

Mom said awful things to me this weekend and accused me of things she has made up in her head. She told dad she wants a divorce and that they have nothing in common and that it's my turn to take care of my dad. She said things about my dad that no kid should have to listen to one parent say about the other. I don't care how old you are - you never want to be in the middle of this.

I have been fact-finding this week about resources for my dad to get him out of the house without help from my mom (because she said it was our responsibility to do that and she didn't want to hear any of it). I spoke with a wonderful social worker who spent 40 minutes on the phone with me at no charge. I outlined all the options in an e-mail to my dad. Apparently Dad showed mom the email and she went ballistic. I believe it can be said that Mom is being emotionally abusive to dad. She will not speak to me now, she has made up her mind that I am some kind of villain. Dad called me today and was fighting back tears. That is not my dad. He was feeling badly for involving me in this. My heart was breaking. I told him to call me WHENEVER and I will keep checking in with him. He is going to take a cab to the senior center 2 days a week and try to stay there the whole day to stay out of her way for now. He is not interested in any of the classes except for some of the card games. He doesn't even want to go there but knows he needs to get away from her so that she can calm down.

What a nightmare.
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Mee too my friend ❤️ I take care of my malignant narsisist of a mother 24/7. I have three sisters none are involved 😔 Her favorite ( my ex-sister) who never visits, has stolen from her bank account and med supplies in the past is her favorite "go to" for lieing for attention and back talking although I cut her out of my life and literally never see hear or speak to her my mother likes to initiate her violent behavior by lieing about anything ( including me)to get her to visit ( which doesn't happen I just get hate bombed), Ive seen my mothers back end so many times I feel i will NEVER do the sex again 😬 (I work in the healthcare field bodies and their functions do not phase me) cleaning someone, dumping bedside commode buckets and then being critiqued, lied to, manipulated and harassed at all hours of the day and night will kill anyone's mojo ( i had to move my RV onto her driveway to care for her so im not far) I receive hateful texts at all hours of the day and night from both my mother and ex sis whom I have not blocked becouse I am collecting texts to protect myself. 😔 Take care of your heart my friend ❤️ Rant Signed, Approved and Delivered 🤗❤️ Hang in there my friend
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CTTN55 Jul 2021
Why are you taking care of her?
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